13.20.320 Improvement procedures
   A.   Authority to initiate improvement projects. Improvement projects for the heating service shall be initiated by the Board, upon its own motion or upon the written petition of the owners of one-half of the property that benefits specifically by the proposed improvement. A study will be initiated by the Board to assess economic feasibility.
   B.   Compliance with state siting requirements. All contemplated improvements shall comply with applicable statutes and regulations of the State of California.
   C.   Procedures for special assessments. Whenever any heating service improvement is to be paid for in whole or in part by special assessments according to benefits, the Board shall administer such assessment procedure in accordance with state law and this Code, and such other Board procedures applicable to local improvement districts. Such assessments as are approved by the Board shall be subject to confirmation by the Council.
   D.   Means of improvements. The construction work for improvements will be done in whole, or in part, by the Board, by a contract, or by any other governmental agency, or by any combination thereof, as authorized by the Board.
   E.   Acquisition of private wells and geothermal facilities. As provided for in Section 13.20.300 Subsection B, the Board may purchase, lease, or receive as a gift, any privately-owned wells and/or geothermal facilities within or without the City boundary, for purposes of improving the heating services principal functions and activities.
(Ord. MC-298, 8-17-83)