12.93.010 Participation by City
   A.   Notwithstanding other provisions of this Code, the Streets and Highways Code or any other provision of law, the City, at its discretion, may contribute up to one- hundred percent (100%) of the costs to be paid by the property owner for repair or installation of sidewalk, curb, gutter, paved parkway improvements, infilling of curb depressions or driveway approaches excluding improvements projects constructed under Chapter 12.92 of the Municipal Code. The Public Services Director shall determine when to contribute up to one-hundred percent (100%) based on the cost of the repair, the ability of the property owner to pay, and the cooperation exhibited by the property owner, provided that the property owner executes and delivers to the Public Services Director a waiver and release in a form approved by the City Attorney or his/her designee. Such determination shall be subject to appeal to the Mayor and Common Council pursuant to Chapter 2.64 of this Code.
(Ord. MC-1274, 7-22-08; Ord. MC-778, 4-16-91)
   B.   Notwithstanding other provisions of this Code, the Streets and Highways Code or any other provision of law, the City, at its discretion, may waive fifty percent (50%) of the installation costs to be paid by the property owner for connection of the sewer line from the lateral to the property line for an existing owner-occupied single family residence when installed by the Public Services Department. The Public Services Director shall determine when to waive the fifty percent (50%) based on the cost of the installation, the ability of the property owner to pay and the length of time the owners of the property have paid a monthly sewer service charge, provided that the property owner executes and delivers to the Public Services Director a waiver and release in a form approved by the City Attorney or his/her designee. Such determination shall be subject to appeal to the Mayor and Common Council pursuant to Chapter 2.64 of this Code.
(Ord. MC-1274, 7-22-08; Ord. MC-737, 7-16-90)