A. The owners of lots or portions of lots fronting on any public street or place when the street or place has been improved by the construction of sidewalks or curbs for a total frontage of more than fifty percent (50%) on one side of such street or place in any block, or where a petition signed by the owners of more than sixty (60%) of the front footage of any part of an unimproved portion or portions of a block has been filed with the City Clerk requesting the installation of such improvements in front of said part, or whenever the City upon its own motion orders the installation of such improvements in front of said part, shall have the duty of constructing or causing the construction of sidewalks or curbs in front of their properties upon notice so to do by the City.
B. When the Director of Development Services finds that sidewalks or curbs have been constructed in front of properties constituting more than fifty percent (50%) of the frontage in any block, or where a petition signed by the owners of more than sixty percent (60%) of the front footage of the block has been filed with the City Clerk requesting the installation of such improvements, or whenever the City upon its own motion has ordered the installation of such improvements in front of said part, said Director of Development Services shall notify the owners of the property fronting on that portion of the street in such block in which no sidewalks or curbs have been constructed theretofore, to construct or cause to be constructed sidewalks or curbs in front of their property.
(Ord. MC-1027, 9-09-98; Ord. MC-691, 12-19-89)