2.58.010 Meetings of the Mayor and City Council
   A.   (1)   Regular meetings of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino shall be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Bing Wong Lecture Hall, Feldheym Central Library, 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino, California, or such other location within the City as may be properly noticed. The time of regular meetings shall be set forth in a Resolution adopted by a majority vote of the membership of the Council.
      (2)   Special meetings of the Mayor and City Council may be called by the Mayor, called by four members of the Council or scheduled by the City Manager in accordance with the Brown Act and may be held at any location within the City boundaries as specified in the special meeting notice to the public.
   B.   The City Council, as the elected body serving all of the residents of the City, shall perform its duties and exercise its powers in a manner that serves the best interests of the entire City, rather than any particular geographic area or special interest.” All meetings of the Mayor and City Council shall be held in accordance with the Brown Act.
(Ord. MC-1626, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1511, 2-06-19; Ord. MC-1438, 4-17-17; Ord. MC-1388, 6-03-13; Ord. MC-1134, 12-04-02; Ord. MC-883, 9-08-93; Ord. MC-715, 4-02-90; Ord. MC-98, 9-15-81; Ord. 3652, 7-15-77; Ord. 2284, 2-24-60)