12.90.010 General statement
   A.   The Mayor and Common Council hereby find that in order to provide an orderly procedure for the acquisition, construction, improvement, completion, repair, management, reconstruction, administration, maintenance, operation and disposition of public property, public places and public improvements, for the collecting of assessments to pay the cost thereof, for the making of contributions therefor, and for the making of covenants and agreements with the bondholders, if any, to secure payment of such bonds, if any, it is necessary that the City exercise the powers it has by virtue of being a home rule City and to provide such a procedure. The procedure provided for herein is to be an alternative to any others provided by, under or pursuant to the Charter, ordinances, and code provisions of the City or the general laws of the State.
   B.   In addition to matters specified elsewhere in this Chapter, the City is authorized to utilize assessment financing alternatives, including without limitation, the following:
      1.   Acquire, by condemnation, purchase, gift, lease or any other means, property necessary or convenient for the improvement, including any property necessary or convenient for the opening, widening, straightening, or extending of streets or alleys necessary or convenient for the improvement.
      2.   Improve any public places or public property within the district by the construction thereon of any improvements necessary or convenient for the purpose of the district.
      3.   Administer, maintain, operate or repair the improvement or provide therefor.
      4.   Collect fees or charges to pay all or any part of the cost of improving, repairing, maintaining, or operating the improvement and of acquiring and improving additional properties necessary to the improvement.
      5.   Levy taxes and/or assessments to pay all or any part of the cost of improving, repairing, maintaining or operating the improvement and of acquiring and improving additional properties necessary to the improvement.
      6.   Employ engineers, attorneys, financial consultants and other persons necessary or convenient for the doing of any act authorized by this Chapter.
      7.   Do all acts and things necessary or convenient for the accomplishment of the purposes of this Chapter.
(Ord. MC-150, 4-07-82)