12.40.040 Petition of property owners for change in variety of trees
In the event a petition bearing the signatures of not less than seventy-five percent of the property owners owning property fronting upon any City street, sidewalk, parkway, lane, alley, park or other public place which is one block long or more, requests a change in the variety of trees used for planting in the place referred to in the petition, the petition shall be granted by the Director of Public Services following consultation with the Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services if the variety requested for replacement or new planting is known and established as a street tree and is not of a variety that may tend to break sidewalks or curbs or is not objectionable as a street tree for other reasons.
(Ord. MC-344, 2-22-84; Ord. MC-325, 12-06-83; Ord. 3016, 9-23-69; Ord. 1655, 4-08-41)