12.12.010 Removal from streets and placement underground required
All poles heretofore erected for telephone, telegraph or other wires (except electric light, power and trolley wires), or for carrying or conducting wires for the purpose of conducting or transmitting telephonic or telegraphic messages, sounds or signals by electricity, within the district described in Section 12.12.030, shall on or before the first day of June, 1907, be removed from the public streets of the City, within the district described, and the keeping or maintaining thereafter in the public streets within said district of any pole or poles for telephone, telegraph or other purpose (except for electric light, power or trolley wire), or any wire or wires upon or above the surface of the ground, for the purpose of conducting, carrying or transmitting telephonic or telegraphic sounds, messages or signals, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 335, 10-10-1906)