12.03.090 Encroachment for Lane Closure
   A.   Closure of traffic lanes on arterial and collector streets as designated in the City's General Plan Circulation Element shall be avoided between the morning and evening peak hours to accommodate traffic operations. Generally, the period from 7:00 am to 8:30 am constitutes the morning peak and the period from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm constitutes the evening peak. Peak flow need only be addressed weekdays (Monday through Friday).
   B.   Permits shall be required for excavations/encroachments that will occur at the places and times specified in Paragraph A and shall be assessed an additional fee, as determined by resolution, for each day of the closure or operation.
   C.   Emergency closures shall not require an encroachment permit. The owner/contractor completing the work shall notify the Director of Development Services immediately by telephone or telecopier or in person of such emergency closures. As used in this section emergency means an actual, threatened, or anticipated incident or situation which seriously threatens the public health and safety. In the event such emergency closures present a hazard or serious impact on the traveling public, the owner/contractor shall pay the City actual costs for traffic control officers, personnel or equipment dispatched to correct the traffic disruption. These actual costs shall be over and above any blanket permit, lane closure or after the fact permit issued.
   D.   All traffic lane closures shall follow the advance warning and safety signing as required by the WATCH manual or other approved traffic control manual. Failure to comply with this section shall constitute sufficient grounds for the City to issue a stop work order.
   E.   Projects involving the use of "Rule 20" funds or being done at the request of the City in relation to other ongoing City projects are exempt from the provisions of this section.