10.24.220 Traffic diversion
   A.   If a peace officer determines pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21101.2 and this section that the traffic load on a particular street or highway in the City, or a portion thereof, is such that little or no vehicular flow is occurring and, additionally, if the peace officer finds that a significant number of vehicles are not promptly moving when an opportunity arises to do so, then the peace officer may divert vehicles, excepting public safety or emergency vehicles from that street or highway, or a portion thereof, subject to traffic congestion until such time as reasonably flowing traffic is restored.
   B.   Such diversion of vehicles by a uniformed peace officer shall constitute the performance of duties under Section 2800 of the California Vehicle Code which requires compliance with the lawful order, signal or direction of the peace officer.
(Ord. MC-574, 1-08-87)