10.24.040 Certain vehicles prohibited in the business district
   A.   It is unlawful for the operator of any of the following vehicles to drive the same in the business district between the hours of seven a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday:
      1.   Any vehicle so loaded that any part of its load extends more than three feet to the front or more than ten feet to the rear of the vehicle; except with written permit of the Chief of Police;
      2.   Any vehicle used exclusively for advertising purposes.
   B.   The Director of Public Services is authorized to establish over an appropriate street or streets, and to designate by appropriate signs, through traffic routes for the movement of vehicles of two or more tons capacity designed for carrying merchandise, freight or material. When any such through traffic routes are established and designated by appropriate signs, the operator of any vehicle mentioned in this section shall drive on such route or routes, and none other, except when it is reasonably necessary.
(Ord. MC-344, 2-22-84; Ord. 1652, 3-18-41)