10.16.210 Parking limitations - Central City Mall
The Superintendent of Public Buildings/Parking Control is authorized to prohibit vehicular parking in any parking area of the Central City Mall, except for the parking of motor vehicles during the period of time such person or the occupants of such vehicle are customers or invitees of the retail and business establishments in the Central City Mall. The Superintendent of Public Buildings/Parking Control shall install and maintain at each entry to the parking area of the Central City Mall, authorized signs giving notice that no person shall stop, stand or park a motor vehicle in any parking area of the Central City Mall, except as provided on such signs. Whenever authorized signs are in place giving notice, it is unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any motor vehicle in such parking area of the Central City Mall except during the period of time of such person or occupants of such vehicle are customers or invitees of the retail and business establishments of the Central City Mall. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of any infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as set forth in Section 10.44.010.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable in parking areas of the Central City Mall specifically reserved for employee parking or for use of business invitees of the buildings known as the Andreson and Woolworth Buildings.
(Ord. MC-415, 10-16-84)