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§ 84.16.040 Development Standards Applicable to All Multi-Family Projects.
   The standards in this Section shall apply to all multi-family development projects.
   (a)   Site Planning Standards.
      (1)   Location of Structures. All multi-family structures shall be oriented so that:
         (A)   The structure and open space areas take advantage of the site’s topography and natural features.
         (B)   Natural amenities (e.g., views, mature trees, creeks, riparian corridors, etc.) are preserved.
      (2)   Location of Accessory Structures. Accessory structures or uses (e.g., swimming pools, improved recreational/open spaces, storage structures, etc.) shall not be located between an adjacent public right-of-way and a multi-family structure, or between a property line abutting a single-family land use zone and a multi-family structure. The accessory structures and uses shall be located within the interior of the site, screened from view by the multi-family structure(s), unless adjacent to parcels zoned for multi-family or non-residential uses.
      (3)   Minimum Separation Between Structures. The separation distances identified in Table 84-9 (Minimum Separation Between Multi-Family Structures) shall apply to parcels containing two or more dwelling units that are in separate detached structures. The separation shall be between opposite exterior walls. Walls shall be considered opposite if a perpendicular line drawn in a horizontal plane from one structure intersects another structure’s wall. The front side of a unit is the side containing the primary entrance to the dwelling unit. See Figure 84-2 (Minimum Separation Between Multi-Family Structures).
Table 84-9
Minimum Separation Between Multi-Family Structures
Structure Orientation
Minimum Separation (ft.)
Figure Symbol
Table 84-9
Minimum Separation Between Multi-Family Structures
Structure Orientation
Minimum Separation (ft.)
Figure Symbol
Front-to-Front or Interior Court Space
All Others
Figure 84-2 Minimum Separation Between Multi-Family Structures
      (4)   Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as provided in Division 2 (Land Use Zoning Districts and Allowed Land Uses), except as modified by the minimum setback standards in Table 84-10 (Minimum Setbacks for Multi-Family Structures):
Table 84-10
Minimum Setbacks for Multi-Family Structures
Location of Multi-Family Structure
Minimum Side and Rear Setback of Multi-Family Structure
Adjacent to parcel in single-family land use zoning district
One foot setback for each one foot of multi-family structure height
Adjacent to a IR (Regional Industrial) land use zoning district, AG (Agriculture) land use zoning district, or mining operations
75 foot setback
   (b)   Design.
      (1)   Entries. Building entrances and individual dwelling unit entries shall be accentuated by architectural elements, lighting, and/or landscaping to further emphasize their private nature.
      (2)   Disabled Accessibility. Where appropriate, handicapped accessibility shall be integrated into the design concept.
      (3)   Length/Width of Structure. A multi-family structure shall not exceed 100 feet in length/width.
      (4)   Visibility. Open spaces, courtyards, circulation corridors, and individual dwelling unit entrances shall be visible from as many dwelling units as possible.
   (c)   Typical Dwelling Unit Sizes. Dwelling units shall be the minimum sizes indicated in Table 84-11 (Minimum Dwelling Unit Sizes in Multi-Family Development):
Table 84-11
Minimum Dwelling Unit Sizes in Multi-Family Development
Dwelling Unit Type
Minimum Size
Gross Floor Area in Square Feet
1 bedroom
2 bedroom
3 bedroom
4+ bedroom
   (d)   Density and Unit Type Mix. A variety of unit types is encouraged (i.e., efficiency, one-bedroom, two bedroom, etc.) to provide a range of options for owners or renters in different income, age, and family structure categories.
   (e)   Fencing. A solid six-foot high fence of wood and/or masonry shall be installed along the property lines but shall not encroach into the front or street side setbacks. Additional fencing in compliance with Chapter 83.06 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls) may be installed.
   (f)   Landscaping. Landscaping shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 83.10 (Landscaping Standards). In addition, the property owner shall maintain all landscaping in a sustained healthy condition.
   (g)   Lighting. Lighting shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 83.07 (Glare and Outdoor Lighting).
   (h)   Parking. Parking areas, parking stalls, and driveways shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 83.11 (Parking and Loading Standards). Storage of boats, campers, trailers and other recreational vehicles shall be prohibited on-site unless oversize parking areas are provided and designated. These areas shall be screened from adjacent streets and residences. Recreational vehicle parking may not be used to meet the standard parking requirements.
    (i)   Infrastructure Requirements. A building permit shall not be issued for the construction of multi-family residential dwelling(s) unless all of the following infrastructure requirements are satisfied for an existing lot of record:
      (1)   Proof of legal and physical access.
      (2)   Infrastructure as determined by the Land Development Division of the Land Use Services Department depending on the location of the parcel to be developed. This may include, but not limited to, any of the following: paved access, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, streetlights, and/or appropriate drainage improvements. These requirements may be waived or modified by the Director if at least 70 percent of the parcels in the same block have been developed without full street improvements.
      (3)   Water.
         (A)   Water Purveyor. Required when in the service area of a water purveyor and the purveyor can supply the water.
         (B)   Substantiated Well Water. If the subject parcel is not within the service area of a water purveyor, well water may be allowed if all required setbacks are met.
      (4)   Sanitation.
         (A)   Sewer. Required when in the service area of a sewer provider and the subject parcel is within 200 feet of the sewer line.
         (B)   Septic Systems/Holding Tanks. Allowed in compliance with the local Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations.
      (5)   Fireflow. Adequate fireflow in compliance the Uniform Fire Code and with § 23.0108 (Amendments to the Uniform Fire Code) of the County Code.
(Ord. 4043, passed - -2008; Am. Ord. 4334, passed - -2017; Am. Ord. 4360, passed - -2019)