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§ 82.04.050 Residential Land Use Zoning District Subdivision Standards.
   (a)   Each subdivision shall comply with the minimum parcel size requirements shown in Tables 82-8A, 82-8B and 82-8C for the applicable land use zoning district.
   (b)   The minimum parcel size requirements for a specific subdivision are determined by the review authority as part of subdivision approval. The review authority may require one or more parcels within a specific subdivision to be larger than the minimums required by these tables based on potential environmental impacts, the physical characteristics of the site or surrounding parcels, and/or other factors.
   (c)   See also the standards in § 83.02.050 (Parcel Area Measurements and Exceptions).
Table 82-8A
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Valley Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
Table 82-8A
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Valley Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
2.5 acres(1)
150 ft.
150 ft.
1:3 for less than 10 acres;1:4 for 10 or more acres
7,200 sq. ft.(1)
60 ft for less than 1 acre; 150 ft for 1 acre or more
100 ft for less than 1 acre; 150 ft for 1 acre or more
1:3 for less than 10 acres; 1:4 for 10 or more acres
10,000 sq. ft.
60 ft.
100 ft.
(1)   Except where modified by map suffix. The various designations within the RL Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RL, RL-5, RL-10, RL-20 and RL-40. The various designations within the RS Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RS, RS-10M, RS-14M, RS-20M and RS-1.
Table 82-8B
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Mountain Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
Table 82-8B
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Mountain Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
2.5 acres(1)
150 ft.
150 ft.
1:3 for less than 10 acres; 1:4 for 10 or more acres
7,200 sq. ft.(1)
60 ft. for interior lot; 70 ft. for corner lot
100 ft.
1:3 for less than 10 acres; 1:4 for 10 or more acres
10,000 sq. ft.
60 ft.
100 ft.
(1)   Except where modified by map suffix. The various designations within the RL Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RL, RL-5, RL-10, RL-20 and RL-40. The various designations within the RS Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RS, RS-10M, RS-14M, RS-20M and RS-1.
Table 82-8C
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Desert Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
Table 82-8C
Residential Land Use Zoning District Minimum Lot Size
Desert Region
Land Use Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Width
Minimum Depth
Maximum Width to Depth Ratio
2.5 acres(1)
150 ft.
150 ft.
1:3 for less than 10 acres; 1:4 for 10 or more acres
7,200 sq. ft(1)(2)
60 ft. for less than 1 acre; 140 ft for 1 acre or more
100 ft. for less than 1 acre; 150 ft. for 1 acre or more
1:3 for less than 10 acres; 1:4 for 10 or more acres
10,000 sq. ft.
60 ft.
100 ft.
(1)   Except where modified by map suffix. The various designations within the RL Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RL, RL-5, RL-10, RL-20 and RL-40. The various designations within the RS Land Use Zoning District shall be limited to RS, RS-10M, RS-14M, RS-20M and RS-1.
(2)   The minimum residential lot size in the RS Land Use Zoning District in the Phelan-Pinon Hills Community Plan area shall be one acre.
(Ord. 4011, passed - -2007)