All fees fixed by this section are for each identified process. If additional plan reviews and/or additional inspections are required for any project, additional fees will be charged for each additional process that is required.
(a) Building permit fees by square footage: The following establishes building permit fees by square footage of a project which is based on estimated processing time, review time, inspection and average travel hours. For the number of inspections and plan reviews included per permit by square footage, refer to the Construction Fee Schedule Package. Special consideration of fees has been given to repetitive work as well as State/County approved standard plans. The state mandated fees are based on published valuations determined for construction by the International Code Council Building Valuations Tables and are subject to change annually.
(1) Schedule of fees: See referenced Construction Fee Schedule.
(2) SB1473 Building Standards: (California Health & Safety Code).
(3) SB861 Strong Motion Instrumentation Program: (California Public Resources Code Fee).
(4) AB1379 Certified Access Specialist Program: (California Gov't Code).
(b) Electrical permit fees: Any person filing an application for a permit to do electrical construction only shall pay a fee according to the following schedule at the time of filing. All electrical permits include two inspections. Additional inspections will be charged a re-inspection fee. An intake processing fee, set forth at § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each electric permit.
(1) Residential:
(A) Meter change out and upgrades only: $189.00.
(B) New wire or rewire: $302.00.
(C) Meter reset: $189.00.
(I) Each additional meter reset at the same address: $38.00.
(D) Temporary power with span poles: $151.00.
(E) All other residential electrical work not listed in § 16.0204(b)(1): $151.00.
(2) Non-Residential:
(A) Meter change out and upgrades only: $189.00.
(B) New wire or rewire:
(I) Less than or equal to 5,000 sq. ft.: $302.00.
(II) 5,001 sq. ft. and over: $378.00.
(C) Meter reset: $189.00.
(I) Each additional meter reset at the same address: $38.00.
(D) Temporary power span poles: $151.00.
(E) All other non-residential electrical work not listed in § 16.0204(b)(2): $189.00.
(3) Plan review fees: Where no plan review fee is charged under § 16.0204(b) and an electrical plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review which includes one review and a re-check. Additional reviews will be charged a plan review re-submittal fee.
(A) Plan review: $226.00.
(c) Plumbing permit fees: Any person filing an application for a permit to do plumbing work only shall pay a fee, according to the following schedule, at the time of filing. All plumbing permits include two inspections. Additional inspections will be charged a re-inspection fee. An intake processing fee, set forth at § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each plumbing permit.
(1) Residential:
NOTE: California Building Code (CBC) R-1 and R-2 categories shall be excluded from residential category.
(A) Fixture or traps including water drainage piping and backflow protection:
(I) 10 fixtures or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 to 25 fixtures: $189.00.
(III) 26 fixtures or more: $227.00.
(B) Sewer Line:
(I) Each sewer line: $151.00.
(II) Each private sewer lift station or sump pump: $151.00.
(C) Septic system including tank, cesspool and leach fields:
(I) Plan review: $181.00.
(II) Permit Fee: $189.00.
(D) Each water heater: $151.00.
(E) Gas meter reset: $151.00.
(I) Each additional gas meter reset at same address: $38.00.
(F) Gas lines:
(I) 10 or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 or more: $189.00.
(G) All other residential plumbing work not listed in § 16.0204(c)(1):
(I) 10 items or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 to 25 items: $189.00.
(III) 26 items or more: $227.00.
(2) Non-Residential:
NOTE: CBC R-1 and R-2 categories shall be included in non-residential category.
(A) Fixtures or traps including water drainage piping and backflow protection:
(I) 10 fixtures or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 to 25 fixtures: $189.00.
(III) 26 to 50 fixtures: $227.00.
(IV) 51 fixtures or more: $378.00.
(B) Sewer line:
(I) Each sewer line: $151.00.
(II) Each private sewer lift station or sump pump: $151.00.
(C) Septic system including tank, cesspool and leach fields:
(I) Plan review: $272.00.
(II) Permit fee: $189.00.
(D) Each water heater: $151.00.
(E) Gas meter reset: $151.00.
(I) Each additional gas meter reset at the same address: $38.00.
(F) Gas lines:
(I) 10 or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 or more: $189.00.
(G) Industrial waste pre-treatment interceptors, including traps and vents: $151.00.
(H) All other non-residential plumbing work not listed in § 16.0204(c)(2):
(I) 10 items or less: $151.00.
(II) 11 to 25 items: $189.00.
(III) 26 to 50 items: $227.00.
(IV) 51 items or more: $302.00.
(3) Plan review fees: Where no plan review fee is charged pursuant to § 16.0204(c) and a plumbing plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review which includes one review and a re-check. Additional reviews will be charged a plan review re-submittal fee.
(A) Plan review: $226.00.
(d) Mechanical permit fees: Any person filing an application for permit to do mechanical construction only shall pay a fee, according to the following schedule, at the time of filing. All mechanical permits include two inspections. Additional inspections will be charged a re-inspection fee. An intake processing fee, set forth at § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each mechanical permit.
(1) Residential:
(A) HVAC change out only: $151.00.
(B) Wall heater, floor furnace, radiant heat and all other heating elements: $151.00.
(C) All other residential mechanical work not listed in § 16.0204(d)(1): $151.00.
(2) Non-Residential:
(A) HVAC change out only: $189.00.
(B) Boilers, all BTUs: $302.00.
(C) Wall heater, floor furnace, radiant heat and all other heating elements: $151.00.
(D) All other non-residential mechanical work not listed in § 16.0204(d)(2): $151.00.
(3) Plan review fees: Where no plan review fee is charged pursuant to § 16.0204(d) and a mechanical plan is required to be submitted, a plan review fee shall be paid at a time of submitting plans and specifications for review which includes one review and a re-check. Additional reviews will be charged a plan review resubmittal fee.
(A) Plan review fee: $226.00.
(e) Grading permit fees: Any person requesting review of grading and erosion plans or filing an application for a grading permit shall pay a fee at the time of filing according to the schedule below. All grading plan review fees include one review and a re-check. Additional reviews will be charged a plan review re-submittal fee. An intake processing fee is already included in the grading permit fees listed below. The fee for additional grading beyond that approved by a valid and current grading permit and/or plan review shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and/or plan review and the fee required for the entire grading project.
When there are both excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) grading activities of one hundred (100) cubic yards or more on the same site, the fee shall be based upon the total activity volume (cubic yardage).
Separate permits and fees shall apply to retaining walls as indicated in § 16.0204(h). There shall be no separate charges for standard terrace drains and similar facilities.
(1) Residential grading fees:
(A) Permit fee:
(I) 100 - 1,000 cubic yards: $642.00 for first 100 cubic yards plus $8.44 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $718.00.
(II) 1,000.1 - 10,000 cubic yards: $718.00 for first 1,000 cubic yards plus $8.44 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $794.00.
(III) 10,000.1 - 100,000 cubic yards: $794.00 for first 10,000 cubic yards plus $16.78 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $945.00.
(IV) Over 100,000 cubic yards: $945.00 for first 100,000 cubic yards plus $16.78 for each additional 100,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
NOTE: Less than 100 cubic yards has no charge.
(B) Plan review fee:
(I) 100 - 1,000 cubic yards: $555.00 for first 100 cubic yards plus $10.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $645.00.
(II) 1,000.1 - 10,000 cubic yards: $645.00 for first 1,000 cubic yards plus $20.11 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $826.00.
(III) 10,000.1 - 100,000 cubic yards: $826.00 for first 10,000 cubic yards plus $30.22 for each additional 10,000 cubic fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $1,098.00.
(IV) Over 100,000 cubic yards: $1,098.00 for first 100,000 cubic yards plus $40.22 for each additional 100,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
NOTE: Less than 100 cubic yards has no charge.
(2) Non-Residential grading:
(A) Permit fee:
(I) 100 - 1,000 cubic yards: $719.00 for first 100 cubic yards plus $8.33 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $794.00.
(II) 1,000.1 - 10,000 cubic yards: $794.00 for first 1,000 cubic yards plus $8.33 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $869.00.
(III) 10,000.1 - 100,000 cubic yards: $869.00 for first 10,000 cubic yards plus $12.56 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $982.00.
(IV) Over 100,000 cubic yards: $982.00 for first 100,000 cubic yards plus $29.44 for each additional 100,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
NOTE: Less than 100 cubic yards has no charge.
(B) Plan review fee:
(I) 100 - 1,000 cubic yards: $782.00 for first 100 cubic yards plus $10.00 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $872.00.
(II) 1,000.1 - 10,000 cubic yards: $872.00 for first 1,000 cubic yards plus $20.11 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $1,053.00.
(III) 10,000.1 - 100,000 cubic yards: $1,053.00 for first 10,000 cubic yards plus $30.11 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof with a maximum fee of $1,324.00.
(IV) Over 100,000 cubic yards: $1,324.00 for first 100,000 cubic yards plus $40.22 for each additional 100,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
NOTE: Less than 100 cubic yards has no charge.
(f) Erosion and sediment control permit and fees: Land clearing or other land disturbing activity without grading or building permit shall obtain an erosion and sediment control permit. Plan review shall be paid at the time of filing according to the following schedule. All erosion and sediment control permits include two plan reviews and two inspections. Additional inspections will be charged a re-inspection fee and additional reviews will be charged a plan review re-submittal fee. An intake processing fee is already included in the erosion and sediment control permit fees listed below.
(1) Residential:
(A) Plan review: $329.00.
(B) Permit fee: $359.00.
(2) Non-Residential:
(A) Plan review: $419.00.
(B) Permit fee: $359.00.
(g) Geotechnical and geology reports: An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each report or review requested in this section.
(1) Geotechnical report review fee:
(A) 1 to 4 lots: $1,374.00.
(B) 5 or more lots: $2,290.00.
(2) Geology report review: $1,374.00.
(3) Compaction report review/Hydro-collapsible soils report review:
(A) 1 lot: $344.00.
(B) 2 to 4 lots: $458.00.
(C) 5 or more lots: $573.00.
(4) Geology investigation: $916.00.
(1) Residential masonry/retaining walls: See referenced Construction Fee Schedule.
(2) Non-residential masonry/retaining walls: See referenced Construction Fee Schedule.
(3) Chain link, wood and/or wrought iron fencing:
(A) Residential: $113.00.
(B) All others: $189.00.
(i) Miscellaneous permit, inspection and plan review fees: Schedule of fees not otherwise provided for are located in this section. An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each miscellaneous permit.
(1) Intake processing fee: $57.00.
NOTE: This fee shall be applied to each permit prescribed by this schedule. Special consideration of this fee will be given to projects with any combination of electrical, mechanical, and/or plumbing under one permit number.
(2) Miscellaneous inspection: $227.00.
NOTE: This fee shall be applied to an inspection that is not covered under any other permit in § 16.0204.
(3) Field Investigation:
(A) Conversion of Recreational Cabin to Single Family Residence: $302.00.
(B) Miscellaneous Field Investigation: $151.00.
(4) Work commencing before permit issuance: cost shall equal to the cost of the permit for the work being completed.
(5) Application to become a certified fabricator to work within unincorporated San Bernardino County: $272.00.
(A) Renewal of or modification to an approved fabricator application: $91.00.
(6) Standard plans (expires with adoption of new code):
(A) Single family residence: see (R-3) Model, First Master Plan referenced in Construction Fee Package.
(B) Pools: $181.00.
(C) Revision to standard plans: $136.00.
(D) Accessory Structures: See referenced Construction Fee Schedule.
(E) Re-establish a standard plan: $181.00.
(7) Service charge for cash deposits and other sureties: $158.00.
(8) Re-roofs:
(A) Residential (with detached or attached garage): $227.00.
(B) Accessory Structures: $227.00.
(C) All others: $302.00.
(9) Illuminated and non-illuminated sign:
(A) Monument/pole 30 feet in height or less: $279.00.
(B) Monument/pole over 30 feet in height: $317.00.
(C) All wall signs: $279.00.
(10) Additional re-inspection fee: $227.00 per inspection.
(11) Inspection cancellation: no notice or same day of scheduled inspection: $104.00.
(12) Additional plan review, re-submittals: $272.00 per submittal.
(13) Revision to approved plan (includes one plan check and a recheck): $272.00 per submittal.
(14) Recognized third party/state approved or County of San Bernardino standard plans:
(A) Plan review: $181.00.
(B) Permit fee: See referenced Construction Fee Schedule.
(15) Release of notice of action (each release): $114.00.
(16) Business license inspection: $302.00.
(17) Expedited plan review: 1.5 times the cost of regular plan review.
(18) Inspections during off-hours (minimum 2 hour charge): Actual Cost per § 16.0228.
(19) Day care home-family inspection: $362.00.
(20) Addressing:
(A) Owner-initiated address changes: $342.00.
(B) Written verification of address, full distribution: $114.00.
(C) Subdivision addressing: $35.00 per lot.
(21) Review for re-issuance of or change to a Certificate of Occupancy where no permit is otherwise required or OSHPD Certification when requested by the applicant: $356.00.
(22) Antenna or cell tower:
(A) Modification to an existing antenna or cell tower: $536.00.
(B) New antenna or cell tower: $694.00.
(C) Equipment shelter: $400.00.
(23) Storage racks:
(A) Simple - 20 feet in heights and a single height racking system: $891.00.
(B) Complex - over 20 feet in height and/or multiple height/level racking system: $1,389.00.
(24) Demolition (Complete removal of structure and foundation. This includes the removal of water lines, sewer lines, gas lines and the demolition of any septic systems and wells.)
(A) Residential: $227.00.
(B) Non-residential: $227.00.
(25) Damage Assessment Report: $227.00.
(26) Residential alteration (R-3 Single Family Dwelling (SFR) only) Note: A residential alteration can be any combination of permit fee items related to electrical, mechanical, plumbing or other single family home rehabilitation. Please refer to the Alteration Worksheet for a list of items that apply. An intake processing fee is already included in the permit fees listed below.
(A) Minor - 0% to 25% of total sq. ft. of the SFR, or 3 different items: $403.00.
(B) Moderate - 25.01% to 50% of total sq. ft. of the SFR, or 6 different items: $806.00.
(C) Major - 50.01% to 90% of total sq. ft. of the SFR, or 7 different items: $1,451.00.
(D) Each additional item added from Alteration Worksheet includes 2 half hour inspections: $139.00.
(27) Cargo container(s) for storage only:
(A) Permit fee:
(I) 1 to 3 units: $151.00.
(II) 4 to 6 units: $302.00.
(III) 7 or more units: $453.00.
(B) Plan review fee: $181.00.
(j) Permit fee for swimming pools: The building permit fee for new swimming pools includes plan review fees as shown below and all inspection fees for all phases of the construction including permit issuance fees, electrical permit fees, mechanical permit fees, plumbing permit fees and solar energy permit fees. An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each swimming pool, spa and/or hot tub permit fees listed below. Note: These fees are in addition to the fee prescribed in § 16.0213B for commercial swimming pools, spas and/or hot tubs:
(1) Swimming pools accessory to single-family dwellings:
(A) With a standard plan: $619.00.
(B) With other than a standard plan: $710.00.
(2) All other swimming pools:
(A) With a standard plan: $695.00.
(B) With other than a standard plan: $785.00.
(3) Spas and/or hot tubs: $317.00.
(4) Plan review fee only when included with other than a standard plan review: $181.00.
(k) Solar Energy Systems: Plans are required to be submitted for the solar energy system. The review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review and the permit fee shall be paid at the time of permit issuance. An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each solar energy system permit. However, the intake processing fee will be waived for §§ 16.0204(k)(1), 16.0204(k)(2), and 16.0204(k)(3).
(1) 15KW or less photovoltaic systems for single family residential - roof mount system:
(A) Plan review: $215.00.
(B) Permit fee: $226.00.
(2) For photovoltaic systems for single family residential above 15KW - roof mount system:
(A) Plan review: $225.00 plus $15.00 per each additional kilowatt above 15KW.
(B) Permit fee: $225.00.
(3) Photovoltaic systems for single family residential - ground mounted system:
(A) Plan review - 15KW or less: $225.00.
(B) Plan review - above 15KW: $225.00 plus $15.00 per each additional kilowatt above 15KW.
(C) Permit fee: $225.00.
(4) Solar water heating systems:
(A) Plan review: $166.00.
(B) Permit fee: $213.00.
(5) Commercial rooftop or ground mount solar energy:
(A) Permit fee:
(I) 0 - 50 Kilowatts: $355.00.
(II) 50.01 - 250 Kilowatts: $355.00 for the first 50 Kilowatts plus $1.07 for each additional Kilowatt or fraction thereof for a maximum fee of $568.00.
(III) Over 250 Kilowatts: $568.00 for the first 250 Kilowatts plus $1.42 for each additional Kilowatt or fraction thereof for a maximum fee of $852.00.
(B) Plan Review Fee:
(I) 0 - 50 Kilowatts: $332.00.
(II) 50.01 - 250 Kilowatts: $332.00 for the first 50 Kilowatts plus $1.66 for each additional Kilowatt or fraction thereof for a maximum fee of $664.00.
(III) Over 250 Kilowatts: $664.00 for the first 250 Kilowatts plus $2.91 for each additional Kilowatt or fraction thereof for a maximum fee of $1,245.00.
(6) Commercial Solar Farms: Actual cost.
(A) Initial deposit: $3,910.00.
(l) Manufactured buildings or mobile homes: An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each manufactured building or mobile home permit fee.
(1) Mobile home site preparation (includes plan review and permit inspection for septic system, electrical and water line installation): $468.00.
(2) Commercial coach installation (includes accessibility review): $559.00.
(3) Foundation Systems:
(A) Permit fees:
(I) Earthquake Bracing Systems (ERBS) for State Approved Plans (SPA): $264.00.
(II) Foundation plan with a SPA: $264.00.
(III) Foundation plan without SPA: $264.00
(B) Plan review:
(I) Without a SPA: $272.00.
(II) All other with SPA: No Fee.
(m) Land use compliance: An intake processing fee, set forth in § 16.0204(i)(1), shall be applied to each land use compliance permit.
(1) Temporary structure permit:
(A) Initial application: $279.00.
(B) Annual renewal: $242.00.
(C) Temporary RV site/temporary office trailer: $242.00.
(D) Manufactured homes/commercial coaches: $559.00.
(E) Temporary sales lot: $370.00.
(2) Special use permit for dependent housing:
(A) Biennial renewal: $261.00.
(3) Document recordation fee: Actual Cost.
(Am. Ord. 4457, passed - -2023; Am. Ord. 4470, passed - -2024)