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§ 14.0106   Emergency Purchases.
   Emergency purchases may be made by an person or official herein authorized to sign requisitions when: (a) The Board of Supervisors or an official designated by ordinance has proclaimed a local emergency, pursuant to Government Code § 8630 (or any successor statute); or (b) Such item or items are immediately necessary for the preservation of life or property; or (c) The Purchasing Agent or any deputy or assistant authorized to make purchases is not immediately available, and the item or items are immediately necessary for continued operation of the entity, and undue delay would cause substantial loss to the County.
   Such emergency purchases shall be subsequently approved and confirmed by the Purchasing Agent. If the Purchasing Agent refuses such confirmation, the Board of Supervisors may subsequently approve and confirm such purchase by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any of its regular meetings. Unless such purchases are so approved and confirmed by either the Purchasing Agent or the Board of Supervisors, the costs thereof shall not constitute a legal charge against the County but shall constitute a charge against the person making such purchase.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960; Am. Ord. 4123, passed - -2010)
§ 14.0107   Void Purchases.
   If any County entity purchases or contracts for any supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services contrary to the provisions of this Chapter, such purchase or contract shall be void, and of no effect, and shall not constitute a lawful charge against any County fund, but shall constitute a charge against the person making such purchases.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960)
§ 14.0108   When Competitive Bidding Not Required.
   Except as otherwise required by general law, charter, or this Chapter, the Purchasing Agent shall have the power, without public notice, preparation of specifications, or the securing of competitive bids or price quotations, to make any purchase of supplies, materials, equipment, or other personal property, or to contract or engage independent contractors to perform sundry services for the County.
   In the performance of the functions hereunder, the Purchasing Agent shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, and policies. In making purchases, the Purchasing Agent shall use such methods and procedures as, in the Agent’s judgment, will secure the lowest price consistent with the quality desirable for the use intended and the needs of the County.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960)
§ 14.0109   Noncompetitive Purchases.
   The competitive process is the preferred method of conducting County purchases. The Purchasing Agent has the authority to approve all non-competitive purchases of goods, supplies, and equipment up to an amount equivalent to that authorized by Section 14.0102(d) upon receipt of a written justification from the appropriate department head. The non-competitive purchase of goods, supplies and equipment in excess of that amount must be approved by the Board of Supervisors. Non-competitive procurement of services from outside service providers may be approved by the Purchasing Agent where the annual aggregate cost per scope of services (as defined in Section 14.0102) per contractor per agency, department, or Board-governed special district (as defined in Section 14.0102) does not exceed the amount authorized by Government Code section 25502.5, as amended (set at $200,000 effective January 1, 2019) upon receipt of a written justification from the appropriate department head. Any non-competitive procurement of services, where the annual aggregate cost per scope of services per contractor per agency, department or Board-governed special district exceeds the amount authorized by Government Code section 25502.5, as amended, must be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960; Am. Ord. 3856, passed - -2002; Am. Ord. 3982, passed - -2006; Am. Ord. 4123, passed - -2010; Am. Ord. 4355, passed - -2019)
§ 14.0110   Property Surplus and Salvage Pool.
   (a)   Whenever any items of personal property are no longer needed by an office, department, or Board-governed special district, the entity carrying inventory thereof, may report and transfer by Property Transfer Form, subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors, such property to a surplus or salvage pool to be maintained and supervised by the Purchasing Agent, who will be custodian and charged with maintaining an inventory thereof.
   Whenever any office, department, or Board-governed special district has need of any property placed in the surplus and salvage pool, such entity may acquire said property by Property Transfer Form, subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors or may acquire such property pursuant to contract.
   (b)   A community based organization (a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation or foundation which performs a County purpose by providing services to County residents) on a list approved by the Assistant County Administrator of Human Services pursuant to County policy may acquire property (other than vehicles) placed in the surplus and salvage pool after such property has been made available for a reasonable period of time to County departments, groups, or Board-governed special districts, subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960; Am. Ord. 2170, passed - -1977; Am. Ord. 3999, passed - -2006)
§ 14.0111   Advertising Proposed Sale of Surplus Property.
   In the disposition of any surplus or salvage property found, in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors, not to be required for public use, the Purchasing Agent may purchase advertising and may advertise the proposed sale or other disposition of the personal property in such medium, including paper and electronic, as in the Purchasing Agent’s judgment will best publicize the proposed sale or other disposition to those persons most likely to bid for or purchase the personal property. The Purchasing Agent shall decide the amount, nature, makeup, and content of the advertising.
   In the disposition of specialty property, including property that has limited marketability or purpose, the Purchasing Agent may utilize alternative methods for disposition of the property without advertising. Alternative methods include, but are not limited to, consignment and sale to a single identified buyer.
   In the event that any item of County personal property is found to have no resale value, the Purchasing Agent may direct that such item be destroyed or disposed of in any manner the Purchasing Agents may see fit.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960; Am. Ord. 4307, passed - -2016)
§ 14.0112   Standards Committee.
   The Purchasing Agent may organize a “Standards Committee” as needed to establish standards, with respect to the type, design, quality, or brand of a certain article or group of related articles or services purchased by the County.
(Ord. 934, passed - -1960)