§ 25.08.029 TINY HOMES.
   (A)   Tiny home defined. A TINY HOME is a small towable residential unit that is not on a permanent foundation and is towable for moving from place to place.
A typical Tiny Home, shown without required skirting.
   (B)   Where permitted. Tiny homes are permitted in all zoning districts that allow residential dwellings or ADUs, per Chapters 25.03 and 25.08 of this code.
   (C)   Tiny home standards. Tiny homes shall be allowed as primary residential dwelling unit or an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) subject to all of the following:
      (1)   Development standards. A tiny home shall conform with the following requirements:
         (a)   Height.
            1.   A tiny home shall have a maximum height of 14 feet when being towed, per Cal. Vehicle Code § 35250. A tiny home may exceed 14 feet in height when the tiny home is placed on a lot, provided that the height limit is not exceeded when the tiny home is moved on public roadways.
            2.   The overall height of a static tiny home shall be per the standards for the zone in which the tiny home is located, either as a primary dwelling unit or an accessory dwelling unit.
         (b)   Setbacks. A tiny home shall comply with the development standards of the zoning district in which it is located. When used as an ADU, setbacks shall comply with the standards for ADUs as shown in § 25.08.002.
         (c)   Minimum and maximum size. Minimum size: 150 gross square feet. Maximum size: 400 gross square feet.
         (d)   Number of tiny homes allowed. The number of tiny homes permitted on a lot or parcel as a primary dwelling unit shall be determined per the standards of the zoning district in which the tiny home(s) is located. Tiny homes used as accessory dwelling units shall not count toward maximum density, per the standards of this code.
         (e)   Parking. Tiny homes shall be subject to the same parking requirements as other residential dwelling units or accessory dwelling units.
      (2)   Design. A tiny home shall maintain a residential appearance through the following design standards.
         (a)   Skirting. The undercarriage, including wheels and axles, shall be hidden from view with a solid wood, metal or concrete apron.
A Tiny Home with skirting installed
         (b)   Roof pitch. Roofs shall have a minimum of a 1:12 pitch for at least 50% of the roof area.
         (c)   Foundation or pad. A paved parking pad shall be required, including bumper guards, curbs, or other installations adequate to prevent movement of the unit. Alternative paving methods may be permitted at the discretion of the Planning Director. A tiny house may rest on the wheels, or on stands anchored to the parking pad.
         (d)   Mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the structure and not be located on the roof (except for solar panels).
         (e)   Materials. Materials for the exterior wall covering shall include wood, HardiePanel or equivalent material as determined by the Planning Director. Single piece composite laminates, interlocked metal sheathing, or similar materials are prohibited.
         (f)   Windows. Windows shall be double pane glass or better, labeled for building use, and be trimmed out.
         (g)   Utility connections. A tiny home shall be connected to approved water and sewer utilities through dedicated pipes. A tiny home may use on- or off-grid electricity and may use propane for heating and cooking. Generators are prohibited except when needed in emergencies. All tiny homes shall have a GFI shutoff breaker.
   (D)   Applicable codes.
      (1)   Tiny homes shall meet either the provisions of ANSI 119.5 or NFPA 1192.
      (2)   Tiny homes shall be licensed and registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
   (E)   Annual fire inspection required. Tiny homes require a yearly inspection by the Fire Marshall.
(Ord. 1043 § 3 (part), 2022)