(A) Purpose and applicability. This section establishes standards for the location, development, and operations for new day care centers, as defined in Chapter 25.09, where allowed in compliance with the use tables in Chapter 25.03. This section provides standards for the location, development, and operation of general day care facilities in compliance with state law. These standards shall apply in addition to requirements imposed by the California Department of Social Services and other regulatory agencies (e.g., Fire Department).
(B) Standards. All general day care facilities shall comply with all of the following:
(1) Licensing. The operator of a general day care facility shall obtain and maintain a valid license from the California Department of Social Services in compliance with Cal. Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 6 (Adult Day Care Facilities).
(2) General day care facilities review standards. An application for a general day care facility shall be reviewed by the responsible review authority for compliance with the provisions of Cal. Health and Safety Code § 1597.46(a)(3) and this section. The application may be approved only if the general day care facility complies with applicable sections of the Cal. Health and Safety Code, this section, all applicable county ordinances, and any regulations adopted by the State Fire Marshal.
(4) Fences or walls required. Fences or walls shall provide for safety with controlled points of entry.
(5) Drop-off/pick-up areas. Any general day care facility located on a through street classified as a collector or arterial street shall provide a drop-off and pick-up area that does not require backing into the street.
(Ord. 1043 § 3 (part), 2022)