It is unlawful for any person, including the owners of an alarm business, to act as an alarm agent within the unincorporated areas of the county without first having registered his or her name filed with the Sheriff’s Office a copy of the alarm agent registration card issued to him or her by the state’s Director of Consumer Affairs, pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Business and Professions Code § 7593.7. However, nothing herein shall require a person to register if the person is merely a salesperson for any business not required to register under the provision of § 9.03.003 and if the salesperson does not engage in any other activities related to alarm systems apart from selling. Further, nothing herein shall require a person to register in order to install, service, repair, alter or move an alarm system on the premises owned or occupied by the person.
(1966 Code, § 20-4) (Ord. 568, § 1(part))