(A) Purpose.
(1) Specific plans implement the San Benito County General Plan by providing detailed land use regulations, development standards, infrastructure plans, financing plans, and other items as required or permitted by Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 65450 through 65457.
(2) A specific plan is designed to provide for flexible and innovative use of land regulations to promote development and provide a variety of commercial, housing and other development types, and effective and safe methods of pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
(3) A specific plan provides for the adoption of project-specific standards which better implement the general plan than standard zoning district standards.
(B) Procedures for approval of specific plans. Procedures for the initiation and approval or amendment of specific plans are provided in Title 19 of the County Code.
(C) Applicability. The specific plan zone will apply to all properties lying within the bounds of a specific plan that has been adopted by resolution or ordinance of the Board of Supervisors. Once adopted, a specific plan shall govern all use and development of properties within the bounds of that specific plan. The following provisions shall apply for all specific plans in San Benito County.
(1) Where a specific plan is silent regarding development standards, the provisions of this title shall govern. The Director shall have the authority to determine which provisions of this title apply where a specific plan is silent.
(2) When a use is not specifically listed as permitted in the specific plan, the Director shall assign the land use or activity to a classification that is substantially similar in character. Land uses not listed in the specific plan as permitted or not found to be substantially like a permitted use are prohibited.
(3) No discretionary entitlement applications or other permits may be approved, adopted, or amended within an area covered by a specific plan, unless found to be consistent with the adopted specific plan.
(Ord. 1043 § 3 (part), 2022)