(A)   At the hearing required under § 7.09.005, the Board of Supervisors may establish conditions which must be met prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter; except, that the Board may take a matter under submission before determining which conditions shall be imposed. Where the Board takes a matter under submission, written notice of any conditions imposed as prerequisite to the issuance of a license must be mailed to the applicant within 15 days of the close of the public hearing.
   (B)   The conditions which may be imposed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the county’s general police power for the protection of health, safety and property of local residents and persons attending public amusements in the county, are as follows:
      (1)   Police protection.
         (a)   Every licensee shall employ, at his or her own expense, at least one private patroler or guard, approved by the Sheriff of the county, whose duty shall be the preservation of order and protection of property in and around the place of public amusement.
         (b)   The patroler may be required to be licensed under the Business and Professions Code and to be in attendance, wearing uniforms, at all times the public amusement is in operation. Where the Sheriff authorizes the employment of off-duty peace officers to meet the requirements of this chapter, the peace officers shall be under the direction and control of the Sheriff of the county. The Sheriff must be satisfied that the requisite number of private patrolers or guards will be provided at all times of operation, before a license is issued. Submittal by the applicant of a written agreement between the applicant and a licensed private patrol agency may be required. As a condition of any license hereunder, the licensee consents to and authorizes the Sheriff, his or her deputies and employees to enter upon the licensed premises.
      (2)   Water facilities.
         (a)   Every licensee shall provide an ample supply of water for drinking and sanitation purposes on the premises of the public amusement. Quality and quantity of water and location of facilities must be approved by the county’s Health Officer prior to the issuance of a license.
         (b)   In the case of outdoor public amusements proposed to be held in arid or semi-arid areas, a supply of ten gallons of water for each person expected to be in attendance may be required. All water shall meet U.S. public health service standards. Public or private lavatories and drinking facilities may be required. Drainage and sewage systems relating to such facilities shall meet the requirements of the Health and Safety Code and be subject to the prior approval of the county’s Health Officer.
      (3)   Food concessions. In the case of public amusements proposed to be held in areas located a substantial distance from markets, restaurants or like eating establishments, applicant may be required to demonstrate that food will be available at the premises for each day of operation to adequately feed the number of persons expected to be in attendance. Concessionaires must be licensed pursuant to local regulation and state laws. Quality and quantity of food and location of concessions must be approved by the county’s Health Officer prior to the issuance of any license.
      (4)   Sanitation facilities.
         (a)   Every licensee must provide at least one closed toilet facility marked “Men” and one such facility marked “Women” on the premises of a public amusement. If large crowds are expected, a toilet for each 40 males and for each 40 females expected to be in attendance may be required.
         (b)   Where flush-type toilets cannot be made available, the Supervisors may consent to the use of portable chemical toilets. The chemical toilets must meet the approval of the county’s Health Officer before any license may be issued. Chemical toilets must be emptied at licensee’s expense as necessary and pursuant to procedures established by the county’s Health Officer.
         (c)   Every licensee shall be required to furnish at least one trash can with 32 gallons capacity for every 25 persons expected to be in attendance. Proof that the requisite quantity of trash and refuse receptacles will be available must be made to the county’s Health Officer. Trash and refuse shall be emptied at licensee’s expense as necessary and pursuant to procedures established by the county’s Health Officer.
      (5)   Medical facilities.
         (a)   Where a proposed public amusement is expected to attract large numbers of persons and is planned for a site which is located a substantial distance from existing medical treatment facilities, the applicant may be required to provide emergency medical treatment facilities on the premises of the public amusement. The location of the facilities, number of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and other aides needed to staff the facilities and the quantity of medical supplies, drugs, ambulances and other equipment that must be on the site, must be approved by the county’s Health Officer prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter.
         (b)   The county’s Health Officer shall calculate the need for medical services, based on the number of persons expected to attend a public amusement, their expected age group, the duration of events planned and the possibility of exposure to inclement weather and outdoor elements.
      (6)   Parking areas.
         (a)   Every licensee shall provide adequate parking space for persons attending a public amusement by motor vehicle as determined by the Director of Public Works. The individual parking spaces shall be clearly marked and shall be not less than nine feet wide and 20 feet long.
         (b)   The Director of Public Works must approve an applicant’s “parking plan” before a license shall be issued.
      (7)   Access and parking control.
         (a)   Every licensee shall provide adequate ingress and egress to his or her public amusement premises and parking areas therefor. Necessary roads, driveways and entranceways shall exist to insure orderly flow of traffic into the premises from a highway or road which is a part of the county system of highways or which is a highway maintained by the state. The Director of Public Works must approve the licensee’s plan for ingress and egress before a license shall be issued.
         (b)   Additionally, any applicant may be required to show that traffic guards are under his or her employ to insure orderly traffic movement and relieve traffic congestion in the vicinity of the public amusement area.
      (8)   Hours of operation. All public amusements which are subject to license under this chapter shall close and cease operation continuously between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of each and every day.
      (9)   Illumination.
         (a)   Every licensee planning to conduct a public amusement after dark, or planning to allow persons who attend the public amusement to remain on the premises after dark, shall provide electrical illumination to insure that those areas which are occupied, including areas used for parking, are lighted at all times. The Director of Public Works must approve an applicant’s lighting plan as a prerequisite to issuance of a license hereunder.
         (b)   A licensee may be required to illuminate specific areas on the premises in accordance with the following scale of lighting intensity:
            1.   Open areas reserved for spectators: five to ten foot candles.
            2.   Stage areas: 75 to 100 foot candles.
            3.   Parking and overnight areas: one to five foot candles.
            4.   Restroom and concession areas: 20 to 50 foot candles.
      (10)   Overnight camping facilities. Every licensee authorized to allow persons who attend the public amusement to remain on the premises overnight shall provide camping facilities, including adequate firewood to supply the needs of the estimated attendance, and overnight areas. The areas and facilities must be approved by the county’s Health Officer and Public Works Director prior to the issuance of any license.
      (11)   Bonds.
         (a)   Any licensee shall post an indemnity bond or a performance bond in factor of the county in connection with the operation of a public amusement in the amount determined by the Board of Supervisors. Bonds required by this chapter must be approved by the District Attorney prior to issuance of any license.
         (b)   An applicant may be required to submit a surety bond written by a corporate bonding company authorized to do business in the state by the Department of Insurance, in a penal amount determined by the Board of Supervisors. The bond shall indemnify the county, its agents, officers, servants and employees and the Board of Supervisors of the county against any and all loss, injury and the damage of any nature whatsoever arising out of, or in any way connected with, the public amusement and shall indemnify against loss, injury and damage to both person and property.
         (c)   Additionally, the county may demand that applicant provide a corporate surety bond written by a corporate bonding company authorized to do business in the state, indemnifying the county and the owners of property adjoining the public amusement site for any costs necessitated for cleaning up or removing debris, trash or other waste from, in and around the premises. The bond shall be in an amount determined by the Board of Supervisors.
      (12)   Fire protection. The licensee shall furnish the fire protection, including personnel and equipment, at its own expense, as shall be required by the Director of Public Works after consultation with the state’s Division of Forestry.
      (13)   Enclosures. Licensee shall install, at its own expense, fences or other structures as may be required to prevent persons attending the public amusement from trespassing upon lands adjacent to the licensed premises.
      (14)   Miscellaneous. Any applicant may be required to meet any other condition prior to receiving a license to conduct a public amusement which is reasonably calculated as necessary to protect the health, welfare and property of local residents and persons attending a public amusement.
(1966 Code, § 12A-12) (Ord. 297, § 12)