§ 7.09.001 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section.
   AMUSEMENT PARK. Any place commonly known as an amusement park, amusement ground or amusement center where swimming, dancing, games, exhibits or shows are carried on, conducted or allowed whether an admission fee is charged or not; provided that, beer, wine or liquor is not sold, kept, provided or given away in connection with the amusement park.
   BEER GARDEN. Any structure or place where the principal occupation or enterprise is that of selling, dispensing, giving away or disposing of alcoholic beverages intended for consumption on or about the premises.
   CABARET. Any structure or place wherein beer, wine or liquor is sold or provided patrons and wherein amateur or paid entertainers perform or entertain the patrons of the place.
   CIRCUS SHOW. All sideshows, circuses, traveling shows, animal shows, traveling carnivals, traveling or moving tent shows, exhibitions, temporary theaters or itinerant playhouses; excepting, however, motion picture theaters or playhouses being operated in a permanent structure.
   DANCE HALL. Any place wherein dances are given, operated, conducted or permitted as a business enterprise, occupation or amusement whether or not music is provided by paid or amateur performers or by prerecorded means. Excluded from this definition are dances conducted by any non-profit, charitable, philanthropic or eleemosynary organization; provided, that the net profit from any dance does not inure to the private profit of any person or persons.
   MUSIC FESTIVALS. Any outdoor festival, carnival, dance or like musical activity, whether or not music is provided by paid or amateur performers or by prerecorded means, which is of a periodic nature and to which members of the public are admitted for a charge, whether or not the charge is directly or indirectly made.
   PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. A swimming pool to which members of the public are admitted for a charge, whether or not such charge is made directly or indirectly. Excluded from the definition of PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL shall be those swimming pools constructed on the business premises of motels, which pools serve exclusively the registered guests of the motel.
(1966 Code, § 12A-1) (Ord. 297, § 1)