(A)   General accessory structure standards in residential zones. The following standards apply to general accessory structures in the RR, R-1 and RM zones. For standards applying to accessory dwelling units, see § 25.08.002.
      (1)   No single accessory structure shall occupy more than 30% of the required rear yard. The total of all accessory structures shall not exceed 40% of the required rear yard.
      (2)   The following setbacks shall apply to accessory structures in local responsibility areas (LRA fire designations), and also apply in state responsibility areas (SRA) only if a 30-foot vegetation clearance easement is obtained on the neighboring property.
Accessory Structure Setbacks (feet)
Zoning District
RR, R-1, RM Uses
Same as for the primary structure
Structures for animals*
Same as for the primary structure
* Barns, stables, riding arenas or farm outbuildings.
** Ten feet shall be maintained from any dwelling on the subject lot and 25 feet shall be maintained from any dwellings on adjacent lots.
      (3)   No detached accessory building shall exceed one story or 20 feet in height. Accessory structures less than 120 square feet shall be limited to no more than 10 feet in height.
      (4)   No more than two detached accessory buildings 120 square feet or greater in size shall be permitted on one lot. No more than three accessory buildings less than 120 square feet in size shall be placed on a lot.
      (5)   Detached garages, pool houses, guesthouses, workshops and other recreational buildings may have an accessory structure setback, however, the detached building shall not be subsequently attached to any residential structure or converted to a dwelling.
      (6)   Except for accessory dwelling units, an accessory building may be no more than 1,000 square feet in gross floor area, unless an administrative use permit is approved to allow a larger size.
      (7)   Where the primary use of the lot is a viable agricultural operation run by an agriculturalist, agricultural buildings and facilities shall be deemed to be permitted accessory structures and may be allowed to be located up to the front yard setback whether or not a dwelling unit exists on the site.
      (8)   In the R-1 and R-M Zones, accessory structures shall be located in the rear half of the lot, unless it is not possible to place the structure in the rear half of the lot, in which case the structure shall be subject to minor development plan review.
(Ord. 1043 § 3 (part), 2022)