(A)   Plan paper. All improvement plans shall be prepared on plan and profile sheets 24" x 36", F.A.S. sheets, Plate “A” plan and profile paper, or special consulting engineer’s sheets that have been accepted by the county. Scales: Horizontal 1" = 20', 40' or 50'; Vertical 1" = 2, 4' or 5', but only the scale, horizontal or vertical, for which the sheet was intended shall be used.
   (B)   Title sheet.
      (1)   On subdivision or improvement plans exceeding three sheets in a set, a title sheet shall be prepared showing the following:
         (a)   *The entire subdivision or parcel and project;
         (b)   Assessment district limits;
         (c)   County and city limits;
         (d)   Street names;
         (e)   Adjacent subdivisions, including names;
         (f)   Property lines;
         (g)   *Location map;
         (h)   Scale of drawings;
         (i)   *Index of sheets;
         (j)   Legend of symbols;
         (k)   *Signature block conforming to approved standard drawing and situated at the lower right-hand corner of the sheet; and
         (l)   *Benchmark and temporary benchmark descriptions.
      (2)   *Shall be shown on the front sheet of encroachment sketch and plan sets consisting of three or less sheets.
      (3)   Improvement plans consisting of three or less sheets and encroachment plans shall not be required to provide a title sheet but shall be required to show all of the above in the plans.
   (C)   Title block.
      (1)   Each sheet within the set of drawings shall have an approved title block showing the sheet title, number, date, scale and the consulting engineer’s name, signature and license number; the name of the county maintenance water agency or sanitation district, when applicable; the name of the subdivision or assessment district; and the benchmark description of reference to benchmark description on the title sheet.
      (2)   The preferred location is across the right hand end of the sheets. This will facilitate the common method of plan storage by allowing the plan information to be viewed with plans rolled up.
   (D)   Line weights. Line weights shall be selected to offer a variety of intensities with affected water mains and fire hydrants, both old and new, utilizing the boldest weight. Existing utilities shall be dashed, proposed shall be solid. Next in importance are street property or right-of-way lines which shall be of medium weight. The lightest line weight shall be used for centerlines, lot lines, curb lines, substructures, unaffected facilities, dimension lines and call outlines. If service information is shown, medium weight line shall be used.
   (E)   Lettering. Lettering shall be uppercase, vertical or slanted, with size and weight appropriate to the size and the importance of the text. Lettering height shall be a minimum of one-eighth inch. Street names shall be the largest size. The next smaller size shall be used for work order numbers, centerline designations, major street widths, pipe activity instructions and material items. The smallest sized letters shall be used for substructure identification, informational notes, curb locations and similar information. The importance of the information to be conveyed by the words or symbols shall determine the letter size and the boldness of the text.
   (F)   Drainage, sewer, water and grading layout.
      (1)   On all plans, the storm drainage, sanitary sewer and domestic water systems shall be shown on an overall plan layout. In addition, the storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems shall be shown on the street plans. Separate grading plans will be required for all subdivisions. On all other plans, an overall plan layout will not be required but the above facilities shall be shown within the development and on the street plans.
      (2)   All plans showing the domestic water systems shall include signature blocks and be approved by the responsible water and fire districts and for encroachment approval by the County Engineer. The signature block shall conform to approved standard drawing and shall be situated near the lower right hand corner of the first sheet of the water plans.
      (3)   Where wells are included as a part of the water system, the layout of the well site shall be drawn to a scale no smaller than one inch to ten feet, with the layout covering an area at least 50 feet in all directions from the well location.
   (G)   Plan details. The following details and supplemental information shall be shown on all plans submitted for approval:
      (1)   Right-of-way. Right-of-way lines, the boundaries of lots fronting on the street, drainage easements, utility easements, planting easements, section lines and corners, land grant lines and temporary construction easements, both existing and proposed, shall be shown on the plans. All right-of-way and easement lines shall be properly dimensioned.
      (2)   Topography. All pertinent topographic features shall be shown, such as street lines, medians, driveways (on both sides of the street when within 40 feet of the median ending), curbs, sidewalks, shoulders, location and size of storm and sanitary sewer lines, high water and frequent inundation levels, water lines, gas lines, telephone conduits, other underground utilities, existing structures, houses, streets, trees nine-inch diameter and larger, and other foliage, traffic signals, street lights and pullboxes, underground electrical conduits, drainage ditches, utility poles, fire hydrants, retaining walls, masonry structures and all other features of the area which may affect the design requirements for the area. When a potential utility conflict exists, “as-built” elevations of the utilities shall be verified by the consulting engineer.
      (3)   Contours and elevations. Existing contours or supporting elevations shall be shown on all plans.
      (4)   Profiles.
         (a)   The plans shall show the existing profile of all roadway centerline, edges of pavement or curb and gutter flow lines, drainage ditches, storm and sanitary sewers, water lines and utility facilities.
         (b)   The plans shall show the existing ground profile for a minimum distance of 200 feet beyond temporary street endings to facilitate setting proper vertical alignment within the proposed improvement limits. The 200-foot minimum shall be increased when requested by the County Engineer.
         (c)   All profiles of proposed improvements shall state centerline elevations at 50- foot intervals and rate of grades, vertical curves and other vertical alignment data. When curb and gutters are designed for reconstructed county roads, elevations shall be shown at the edge of the outside traveled way, or if the road has a full paved section, shall also be shown two feet from the proposed lip of gutter. Any warped surface and vertical curve shall set elevations at 25-foot intervals. All profiles shall be coordinated with county stationing; the consulting engineer shall contact the county for the stationing.
         (d)   Grading plans shall show final grades for all grading proposals.
      (5)   Stationing and orientation. Plans shall be so arranged that the north arrow points toward the top or upper 180 degrees, insofar as practical. The beginning and ending stations shall be shown for all street and utility centerlines.
      (6)   Cut and fills. Top of cut and toe of fill shall be shown on the plan view.
      (7)   Benchmarks. The benchmarks and datum shall be clearly delineated on the plans both as to location, description and elevations. The datum shall be the 1929 National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD29). After 1995, the datum shall be the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD89). Consulting engineers shall contact the Department for location and elevation of the nearest official benchmark.
      (8)   California coordinate system. The County Engineer may require that the proposed improvements be tied into the California Coordinate System if monumented coordinate points are available within a reasonable distance of the improvement as determined by the County Engineer.
      (9)   Typical sections. A typical section for each type of facility within the improvement, setting out the structural features, shall be a part of the plans.
      (10)   Cross sections. Cross sections shall be included in the plans, where determined necessary by the County Engineer. When, in limited area, unusual topographic features or special conditions occur that would affect the work, individual cross sections may be shown on the pertinent plan sheet.
      (11)   Special notes. Special notes shall be clearly indicated, and it shall be conspicuously noted on the plans that all construction work and installations shall conform to the county improvement standards and that all work is subject to the approval of the County Engineer. Notes shall contain a statement regarding obtaining encroachment permits from other agencies when applicable.
      (12)   Detail sheets.
         (a)   All detail drawings shall be drawn to scale unless otherwise noted.
         (b)   Any detail drawings included in these design standards that are required of the project can be referenced by the standard drawing number unless modifications are to be made. If modifications are to be made, the modified detail shall be included in the improvement plans.
         (c)   Any detail drawings from the CALTRANS Standard Plans that may be required for the project shall be reproduced and included in the improvement plans.
      (13)   Water system plans. Water system plans shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Water main in plan view showing:
            1.   Location and dimensions of dedicated streets and easement;
            2.   Lots to be served;
            3.   All existing or proposed curbs, gutters and pavement;
            4.   The proposed alignment of the water main and the location of all proposed distribution system facilities such as valves, fire hydrants, fittings and the like;
            5.   All existing and proposed substructure utilities; and
            6.   All existing and proposed obstructions such as vaults, catch basins, traffic islands and the like.
         (b)   Top of pipe profile for all pipes installed in non-paved easement areas showing:
            1.   Finished grade;
            2.   Existing ground line; and
            3.   All proposed and existing utility crossings.
         (c)   Details showing all unusual proposed and existing utility crossings.
         (d)   Additionally, all plans shall:
            1.   Show the approved permanent water source that cart supply sufficient water for chlorination, flushing and hydrostatic testing; and
            2.   Show sufficient adjacent area to give the relation of new facilities to existing facilities.