(A) Purpose. The purpose of these improvement standards and specifications is to establish minimum design standards for the construction of subdivisions, and commercial and other types of development. This is necessary in order to provide for coordinated development of facilities to be used by and for the protection of the public. Deviations from these improvement standards and specifications are permissible (division (D) below); there is no intent to restrict licensed civil engineer’s prerogative to use generally accepted good engineering practices and common sense. The County Engineer will consider alternative solutions substantiated by appropriate data.
(B) Definitions. Attention is directed to § 1 of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications and to the following additional and qualifying definitions.
APPLICANT. Any person, association, corporation, entity or government agency desiring approval of a project or issuance of a permit; often a subdivider or developer.
BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Board of Supervisors of San Benito County, State of California.
CONSULTING ENGINEER. Any person or persons, firm, partnership or corporation legally authorized to practice Civil Engineering in the State of California who prepares or submits improvement plans and specifications to the Department of Public Works of San Benito County for approval. This term is used interchangeably with Design Engineer.
CONTRACTOR. Any person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation or combination thereof who have entered into a contract with any person, corporation, company, special district or the County of San Benito as party or parties of the second part, or their legal representatives, for the construction of any improvement or portion of any improvement within the county.
COUNTY. The County of San Benito, a political subdivision of the State of California.
DEPARTMENT. San Benito County Department of Public Works.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. The Department of Public Works of San Benito County.
DESIGN ENGINEER. The Professional Engineer (registered by the State of California) employed by the applicant to design, prepare plans and conduct related engineering activities. See CONSULTING ENGINEER.
DEVELOPER/SUBDIVIDER. A person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or agent thereof who causes land to be divided into a subdivision or causes existing property to be developed for himself, herself or for others.
DIRECTOR. The County Engineer of San Benito County acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties delegated to him or her.
ENGINEER. Identical to the definition of COUNTY ENGINEER, as herein defined.
INSPECTOR. The authorized representative of the Engineer assigned to a job site.
LABORATORY. Any testing agency or testing firm approved by the County Engineer.
ROAD COMMISSIONER. The County Engineer of San Benito County acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties delegated to them.
STATE. As used only in the CALTRANS Standard Specifications, shall mean San Benito County.
STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) dated January 1988 and any revisions or additions thereto.
(C) Abbreviations.
AAN. American Association of Nurserymen.
AASHTO. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
ACI. American Concrete Institute.
AFBMA. Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturer’s Association.
AISC. American Institute of Steel Construction.
AISI. American Iron and Steel Institute.
ANSI. American National Standards Institute.
ASCE. American Society of Civil Engineers.
ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASTM. American Society for Testing Materials.
AWWA. American Water Works Association.
C.I. Cast iron.
D.I. Ductile iron.
IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
I.S.A. Instrument Society of America.
NEC. National Electric Code.
NEMA. National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
OSHA. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
P.V.C. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe.
UPC. Uniform Plumbing Code.
WWPA. Western Wood Preservers Association.
(D) Deviations. Deviations from these standards can be made only on approval of the County Engineer. Requests for deviations must be submitted in writing, together with supporting justification and technical documentation. Designs should not be made nor shall construction be started where a deviation is needed without first obtaining approval of the deviation.
(E) Appeal. Decisions of the County Engineer may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors. Appeals shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Board in writing and be accompanied by supporting technical data and other supporting evidence.
(F) Effective date of standards. These standards are effective 30 days after adoption of this title and shall supersede all former design standards. These standards may be revised, amended or added to, and the revisions, amendments and additions shall be binding and of full force and effect when printed and distributed to holders of previous editions.