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Chapter 10
1013.1 Revise this section as follows:
1013.1 General
An installation for which a permit is required shall not be put into service until it has been certified by a licensed boiler contractor or inspected by an approved insuring company inspector and an operating permit has been issued.
It shall be the duty of the owner or his authorized representative to notify the Authority Having Jurisdiction that the installation has been certified or inspected. It also shall be the duty of the owner or his authorized representative to post in a conspicuous position on the installation a notice in substantially the following form: “Warning! This installation has not been inspected and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and shall not be covered or concealed until so inspected and approved,” and it shall be unlawful for anyone other than the Authority Having Jurisdiction to remove such notice. The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall require such tests as it deems necessary to determine that the installation complies with the provision of this section. Such test shall be made by the owner or his authorized representative in the presence of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Exception: On installations designed and supervised by a registered professional engineer, the Authority Having Jurisdiction shall have the authority to permit inspection and testing by such registered design prodessional.1
[Editor’s Note: The next paragraph is deleted by local amendment.]
1013.2 Revise this section as follows:
1013.2 Operating Permit.
It shall be unlawful to operate a boiler or pressure vessel without first obtaining a valid operating permit to do so from the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Such permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place adjacent to the boiler or pressure vessel. The operating permit shall not be issued until the equipment has been certified as complying with State of California Building Safety Orders by a licensed boiler contractor, by employees of an approved insuring company holding commissions from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors or by a registered professional engineer.
Exception: The operation of steam-heating boilers, low-pressure hot-water-heating boilers, hot water supply oilers,1
and pressure vessels in residential occuupanci4es1 of less than six dwelling units and in utility occupancies.
1013.3 Revise this section as follows:
1013.3 Maintenance Inspection. The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall require an inspection of boilers and pressure vessels operated under permit in accordance with ASHRAE/ACCA 180 at such intervals as deemed necessary, but not less frequently than in accordance with Section 1013.4 through Section 1013.7.
1013.7 Revise the second paragraph as follows:
Inspection of boilers and pressure vessels may be made by licensed C-4 Boiler Contractors and, when covered by insurance shall be permitted to be made by employees of the insuring company holding commissions from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, subject to approval of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Approved insuring company inspectors shall make reports on prescribed forms on inspections authorized by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. The reports shall be filed in the Authority Having Jurisdiction office. Company inspectors shall notify the Authority Having Jurisdiction of suspension of insurance because of dangerous conditions, new insurance in effect, and discontinuance of insurance coverage, or any unsafe conditions requiring correction.