There is hereby created a Police Department of the city, and members thereof shall be citizens of the United States and shall be over the age of 21 years. The Department shall consist of a Chief of Police, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council, and such number of police as may be from time to time authorized by the Mayor and City Council and appointed with their consent, and such reserve officers as may from time to time be appointed by the Chief as exigencies arise.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-1) (Ord. 15-809, passed 10-7-2015)
(A) Appointment. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the Council. The Chief of Police may be removed by the Mayor for any cause by him or her deemed sufficient; but such removal shall be by and with the affirmative vote of one-half plus one of the members of the full Council; provided, that the City Council, by the unanimous vote of all its members, may upon its own initiative remove any appointive officer.
(B) Rank. The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Department and have supervision over all the officers and members thereof. The Chief of Police may, with the approval of the Mayor, appoint such reserve officers as may be required from time to time.
(C) Duties.
(1) Records and reports. The Chief of Police shall keep such records and make such reports concerning the activities of the Department as may be required by statute or by the Mayor. The Chief shall be responsible for the performance of the Police Department and of its functions and all persons who are members of the Police Department shall serve subject to the Chief’s orders.
(2) Enforcement of code. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see to the enforcement of all provisions of this code and of all applicable statutes and to preserve order and prevent infractions of the law and arrest violators thereof. The Chief shall have authority to call upon any citizen or bystander to assist him or her in the execution of the duties of such office. The Chief shall serve all processes issued to him or her and enforce all orders and judgments of the court.
(D) Custody of recovered property. The Chief of Police shall have the custody of all lost, abandoned or stolen property recovered within the city.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-2) (Ord. 15-809, passed 10-7-2015)
(A) Generally. It shall be the duty of all members of the Department to cause the public peace to be preserved and to see that all laws and ordinances within the city are enforced.
(B) Arrest powers.
(1) Whenever the violation of any law or ordinance shall be reported to them or come to their knowledge, they shall cause the informant, who is a competent witness, to testify against the accused and to sign the required complaint; provided, however, that when a violation of any law or ordinance is committed in their presence, the arrest may be made without a complaint and such complaint may be made by the arresting officer and filed in the proper court. It shall be the duty of members of the Department whenever arrests for the violation of any law or ordinance have been made to see to it that all possible evidence is procured for prosecution of the offenders.
(2) The officers and members of the Police Department shall have power to arrest all offenders against the laws of the state and ordinances of the city, by day or by night, in the same manner as any sheriff or constable, and keep them in the county jail or other place to prevent their escape until trial can be had before the proper court.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-4)
Whenever police shall be in the fresh pursuit of an offender against any law of the state or ordinance of the city, and the offense has been committed within the corporate limits of the city, such police or police officer, while in fresh pursuit, may go beyond the corporate or geographical limits of the city. The arresting officer may take such offender to and keep such offender in the county jail or other place to prevent escape until trial can be had before the proper court, or may personally hand such arrested person a notice in writing, or partly in writing and partly printed, to appear in the proper court at a time specified in such notice. In addition to such notice, whenever a proper judge is not available to fix and accept bail for the appearance of such offender in a court of competent jurisdiction, such arresting officer may accept a temporary bail for the appearance of such offender at the time specified in said notice, and which bail shall be by the arresting officer delivered to the proper judge.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-5)
The city declares that it desires to qualify to receive aid for police training from the State Police Officers’ Standards and Training Council pursuant to Idaho Code 19-5101 et seq., and, while receiving such aid, will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by that Council.
(Prior Code, § 5-1-6)