If any licensee or employee of a liquor by the drink establishment violates any of the provisions of this subchapter or is convicted of the violation of any of the provisions of state law, the Mayor and City Council are hereby authorized and empowered to revoke the license issued to the licensee. Provided, however, that when it is brought to the attention of the Mayor and City Council that a violation has taken place, before revoking such license, they shall cause notice to be served upon the licensee setting forth in general terms the violation or violations claimed to have been committed, and such notice shall provide a time for hearing thereon by the Mayor and City Council, which date of hearing shall be not less than five days nor more than ten days from the date of the service of notice that the provisions of this section or the provisions of the laws of the state have been violated. The Mayor and City Council shall revoke such license, and no refund of any unused portion of the license fee shall be made to the licensee. Should the Director of the Department of Law Enforcement of the state revoke any license issued by such Director, the licensee shall automatically have the license issued by the city revoked and no refund of any fee paid shall be made.
(Prior Code, § 3-1A-8) Penalty, see § 111.99