(A)   Authorization to inter. The city may open a grave in a plot or niche for the purpose of interment upon receipt of a burial transit permit or equivalent document, as required by Idaho Code 54-1120, and payment of all fees upon proper written authorization by any plot or niche owner of record made out on forms approved by the city and duly filed in its office, unless there are written instructions to the contrary already on file in the office. No interment may occur without the owner or mortuary first scheduling such a request with the city. Requirements for the presence of funeral director or designated official during interments are set forth by the state statute or county ordinance at the time of interment.
   (B)   Authorization for disinterment. No disinterment shall take place without presenting the proper approval as required by the state and arrangements for the disinterment made with the cemetery sexton at least one week prior to the disinterment. No disinterment of cremains in a columbarium niche will be allowed on weekends or holidays as defined in § 91.22 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 12-1-7) (Ord. 09-732, passed 2-18-2009; Ord. 06-709, passed 3-21-2007; Ord. 19-842, passed 11-6-2019)