On or after the effective date of this amendment, no person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, conduct or operate any trailer camp within the limits of the town, except a seasonal trailer camp, nor establish, maintain, conduct or operate a seasonal trailer camp without having obtained a permit therefor from the Town Clerk.
   (A)   Application for such permit shall be made in writing to the Town Clerk. The applicant shall file with his or her application:
      (1)   A complete plan, drawn to scale, showing the proposed camp, the location of the trailer plots, and such other details as are hereinafter more fully described;
      (2)   Proof of ownership of the premises or of a lease or written permission from the owner thereof;
      (3)   Written approval from the Town Health Officer with a specific finding that the plan for the proposed trailer camp is in accord with the sanitary requirements of the State Public Health Code and this chapter, and written approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the town, with a specific finding that the plan for the proposed trailer camp is in accord with the plan of development and the zoning regulations of the town and with this subchapter; and
      (4)   A permit bond of $1,000 to guarantee compliance with this subchapter.
   (B)   The permit obtained from the Town Clerk shall be for the calendar year, or any part thereof.
   (C)   The permittee shall pay the Town Clerk the following amount of money as the annual fee, or the proper proportionate part thereof.
      (1)   If the area on which such business is to be operated is 15,000 square feet or less: $25.
      (2)   For each additional 5,000 square feet or part thereof on which such business is to be operated: $3. But the permit fee for a seasonal trailer camp shall not exceed $50.
      (3)   One dollar of the permit fee is to be retained by the Town Clerk, balance to be paid to the Town Treasurer.
   (D)   Posting of permit: the permit, which shall be issued pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter, shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises at which any trailer camp is operated.
   (E)   Limitations: no trailer camp shall be permitted if any part of the premises intended for use as part of such camp is within 100 yards of any year-round residence, church, school or public library.
(Ord. passed 5-3-1969) Penalty, see § 154.99