(A) In all R-3 High Density Residential District areas, these supplemental standards apply to new multi-family housing and condominium/homeowner’s association developments.
(B) MULTI-FAMILY is defined as three or more attached dwellings on an individual lot (for example, multiplexes, apartments, condominiums, and the like).
(C) CONDOMINIUM means real estate, portions of which are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of which is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of the separate portions.
(D) Condominium association and multi-family developments shall comply with all of the following standards.
(1) Common open space.
(a) In all developments with more than ten units, a minimum area of 20% of the total site area (inclusive of required setback areas), shall be designated, and permanently reserved, as usable common open space. The SITE AREA is defined as the lot or parcel on which the development is planned, after subtracting the required dedication of street right-of-way and other land for public purposes (for example, public parks). Sensitive lands and historic buildings or landmarks open to the public can be counted toward meeting the common open space requirements.
(b) The development shall designate, within the common open space, a minimum of 250 square feet of active recreation area (for example, children’s play areas, play fields, swimming pool, sports courts, and the like) for every ten units, or increments thereof. For example, a 50-unit development shall provide a minimum of 500 square feet for active recreation, indoor or covered recreation space may be counted toward this requirement, but should not exceed 30% of the required common space area.
(2) Private open space. Usable private outdoor space, such as patios, balconies, porches, roof gardens, or small yards shall be provided in all newly constructed multi-family developments. Private open space shall comply with the following standards.
(a) Dwelling units located at, or below, finished grade, or within five feet of finished grade, shall have a minimum of 96 square feet of private open space, with no dimension less than six feet.
(b) All upper floor dwelling units shall have balconies or porches measuring at least 36 square feet, with no dimension less than four feet. UPPER-FLOOR DWELLING UNIT means housing units which are more than five feet above finished grade.
(c) All private open space shall have direct access from the dwelling unit by way of a door.
(d) Any excess private open space (above what is required) may be counted toward fulfilling the common open space requirement.
(e) Building masses and screening, such as low hedges, fences, walls, arbors, or trellises, shall be used to help delineate private outdoor spaces. The screening element must be a minimum of three feet in height.
(3) Private street, alley, and access drive construction. All elements of a private street, private alley, and/or access drive that are to be provided shall be paved and constructed in accordance with the construction standards set forth for public streets and alleys in § 153.080, and current construction standards as adopted by the village. Whenever a private street, alley, and/or access drive is included in a condominium/homeowner’s association, deed restrictions shall be required that shall specifically include the following language:
“The undersigned grantee(s) hereby acknowledge(s) that (he, she, they) understand that the premises described herein is located upon a non-dedicated private street or access drive. And further, the grantee(s) understands that no government body is responsible for the care and/or maintenance of said private street or access drive.” |
(5) Stairways. Stairways shall be incorporated inside the building where possible to minimize visual impact. External stairways, when necessary, shall be recessed into the building, sided using the same siding materials as the building itself, or otherwise incorporated into the building architecture. Stairways that are simply hung from the building’s exterior are not permitted;
(6) Vehicular circulation. Multi-family developments shall provide vehicular circulation in accordance with the following standards:
(a) To provide for traffic safety and to minimize the impacts on the public circulation system, where possible, driveways or streets shall connect to local or collector streets rather than onto arterial streets; and
(b) Multi-family developments four acres or larger shall be developed as a series of complete blocks bounded by a connecting network of public streets with sidewalks and street trees to break the development into numerous smaller blocks. The average block size within a multi-family development shall be a maximum of two acres in size. Village standards for public local residential streets in regard to pavement width, sidewalks, and street trees, shall apply to all internal trees.
(7) Parking. Multi-family developments shall provide parking designed in accordance with the following standards.
(a) Off-street vehicle parking spaces and bicycle parking shall be provided, as specified in § 154.110. On-street parking along the streets contained within the development can be applied to the off-street parking requirements.
(b) Parking lots shall be placed to the side or rear of buildings.
(c) Parking on the streets contained within the site shall not include head-in or angle parking. Parking shall be accommodated in parking lots or along the internal street system in the form of parallel parking.
(d) Parking lot landscaping shall be provided.
(e) Parking lots shall be connected to all building entrances by means of internal pedestrian walkways that meet the standards in division (D)(10) below.
(8) Trash receptacles. Trash receptacles shall be screened on all sides with an evergreen hedge, or solid fence or wall, of not less than six feet in height. No trash receptacle shall be located in any front yard setback, or within 25 feet of property lines abutting other residential zones;
(9) Utilities. All utilities on the development site shall be placed underground. Ground mounted equipment, such as transformers, utility pads, cable television and telephone boxes, and similar utility services, shall be placed underground whenever practicable. Individual meters shall be installed at each dwelling unit. All utility development on the site shall be completed in accordance with §§ 153.080 through 153.106;
(10) Pedestrian circulation. To ensure safe, direct, and convenient pedestrian circulation, all multi-family developments shall contain a system of pathways designed based on the standards below.
(a) The pathway system shall extend throughout the development site, and connect to all future phases of development, adjacent public parks and commercial uses, and the public sidewalk system.
(b) Pathways within the development shall provide safe, reasonably direct connections between dwelling units and parking areas, recreational facilities, storage areas, and common areas.
(c) Where pathways are parallel, and adjacent to, a driveway or street (public or private), they shall be raised six inches and curbed or separated from the driveway/street by a minimum four-foot strip with bollards, a landscape berm, or other physical barrier.
(d) Pedestrian pathways shall be separated a minimum of six feet from all building facades with residential living areas on the ground floor, except at building entrances.
(e) Where pathways cross a parking area, driveway, or street (crosswalk), they shall be clearly marked with contrasting paving materials, humps/raised crossings, or painted striping.
(f) Pathway surface shall be concrete, asphalt, brick/masonry pavers, or other durable hard surface, at least five feet wide, and shall conform to federal Americans with Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., (ADA) requirements.
(g) All pathways shall be constructed in accordance with § 153.099.
(11) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be installed within the development to provide erosion control, visual interest, buffering, privacy, open space and pathway definition, and shading based on the following standards.
(a) A minimum of 15% of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of vegetative ground cover, shrubbery, and trees. At the time of planting, trees shall be planted a minimum of two inches (dbh) in caliper and shrubbery a minimum of 24 inches in height. Bark mulch, rocks, and similar non-plant material may be used to compliment the cover requirement, but shall not be considered a sole substitute for the vegetative ground cover requirement.
(b) The use of native and/or drought tolerant landscaping is encouraged. All landscaping shall be irrigated with a permanent irrigation system unless a licensed landscape architect submits written verification that the proposed plant materials do no require irrigation. The property owner shall maintain all landscaping.
(Ord. 420, passed 11-16-2009)