(A)   Generally. 
      (1)   It shall be unlawful to make any excavation in any way contrary to or in violation of the terms of the permit. Proper bracing shall be maintained to prevent the collapse of adjoining ground and the excavation shall not have anywhere below the surface any portion which extends beyond the opening at the surface. Bricks which form the surface of the street will be lifted in such a way as not to be broken and stored in a locked or guarded place, in such a way as to be available for use in replacing the surface.
      (2)   No injury shall be done to any pipes, cables, or conduits which in any way may be endangered or affected by the making of such excavation. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all public utilities of its intent to excavate.
      (3)   No unnecessary damage or injury shall be done to any trees, shrubs, or the roots thereof. Tunneling is prohibited.
   (B)   Sidewalks. If any sidewalk is blocked by any such work, a temporary sidewalk shall be constructed or provided which shall be safe for travel and convenient for users.
   (C)   Time limit. Each permit for excavation shall be for a period not to exceed 30 days after the commencement of work. If at the time of the application it is known that the restoration and excavation will exceed this period, then it must be so stated on the permit and approved by the Building Inspector.
   (D)   Restoring surface. Any person making an excavation in any public street, alley, parkway, or public place shall restore the surface. For parkways, black dirt and seed will be the standard. Brick surfaces will be replaced with brick of the type and color approved by the Building Inspector. In all other respects, the surface shall be restored to its original condition.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-19) (Ord. passed 3-8-1993) Penalty, see § 93.99