(A)   No person shall swim, wade, or bathe in, or place or dump any sewage, rubbish, or junk in, or engage in skating or boating upon the water of that portion of Lake Linton south of Ezra Rust Drive except as otherwise provided herein.
   (B)   The Director of Parks and Recreation, or his or her authorized representative, may issue a permit with the approval of the Superintendent of Water Treatment allowing recreational use of Lake Linton south of Ezra Rust Drive including use for model boating and activities associated therewith upon the furnishing of a general liability policy of insurance issued to the city by a company approved by the City Attorney and in an amount deemed adequate by the City Attorney.
(Prior Code, § 130.35) (Ord. D-665, passed 9-8-1964, effective 11-1-1964; Ord. D-1272, passed 9-5-1978, effective 9-5-1978) Penalty, see § 130.99