(A)   All underground gasoline tanks hereafter installed shall be placed outside of buildings in a location approved by the Fire Chief. The top of such tanks shall be at least 24 inches below the surface of the ground with the space between the top of the tanks and the ground properly filled, or shall be covered with one foot of earth and six inches of concrete.
   (B)   All pipes used in connection with underground storage tanks other than vent and filling pipes shall be at least 12 inches underground, shall have a fall toward the tank, shall be free of sags or pockets, and shall be standard, full weight, galvanized steel or iron, or copper.
   (C)   Tanks and pipes shall not be covered until inspected and tested by the Fire Chief and permission
to do so has been granted by him or her. The Fire Chief shall be notified when the installation is complete and ready for inspection.
(Prior Code, § 114.20) Penalty, see § 30.99