(A)   After a development plan or an amendment to a plan has been approved by the City Planning Commission, it shall attach its certificate of approval and file the plan or amendment with the Director of Finance, together with any comments it may desire to make concerning it.
   (B)   The Director of Finance shall review the development plan or amendment and shall attach his or her certificate of approval thereof if he or she shall determine:
      (1)   The proposed method of financing the development is feasible and that it is probable that the redevelopment corporation will be able to finance or arrange to finance the development; and
      (2)   The persons who it is proposed will be active in or associated with the management of the redevelopment corporation during a period of at least one year from the date of the approval of the development plan have sufficient ability and experience to cause the development to be undertaken, consummated, and managed in a satisfactory manner.
(Prior Code, § 12.80) (Ord. D-1139, passed 3-31-1975, effective 4-10-1975)