   A service fee shall be established by Council and posted in the Office of the City Clerk that will be charged to every customer’s account which is activated during a billing cycle.
(Prior Code, § 52.32) (Ord. D-1828, passed 9-14-1998, effective 10-1-1998)
   (A)   Treated and filtered water. The net rate charged for treated and filtered water to consumers within the limits of the city shall be the sum of the readiness-to-serve charge and the commodity charge.
      (1)   Readiness-to-serve monthly charge. Readiness-to-serve monthly charge, based on the size of the water meter shall be by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
      (2)   Commodity charge. Commodity charge, based upon the amount of water used shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
   (B)   Unmetered fire connections.
      (1)   The net rate charged per month for unmetered fire connections shall be a demand charge, based upon the size of the connection pipe shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
      (2)   The above charges shall include only water used to extinguish fires. No water shall be used from a fire connection for any purpose other than the extinguishment of fires unless such water is metered and paid for as follows.
         (a)   Water used to maintain pressure on a privately-owned fire line system at a pressure above the normal pressure maintained in the city water mains shall be charged at the standard commodity charge.
         (b)   Water used for any purpose other than division (B)(2)(a) above shall be metered separately and charged at the rate approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
      (3)   The unauthorized use of unmetered water from a fire connection shall, upon notice by the Director of Finance, terminate the customer’s privilege of having an unmetered fire connection.
(Prior Code, § 52.33) (Ord. D-304, passed 4-7-1953, effective 6-21-1953; Ord. D-1726, passed 1-1-1995, effective 1-1-1995; Ord. D-1781, passed 10-14-1996, effective 1-1-1997; Ord. D-1829, passed 9-14-1998, effective 10-1-1998; Ord. O-18, passed 4-19-2004, effective 4-29-2004; Ord. O-36, passed 6-20-2005, effective 6-30-2005; Ord. O-53, passed 10-9-2006, effective 10-19-2006; Ord. O-64, passed 8-27-2007, effective 9-6-2007; Ord. O-80, passed 4-20-2009, effective 4-30-2009; Ord. O-167, passed 8-24-2015, effective 9-3-2015)
   (A)   Treated and filtered water to retail consumers. The net rate charged for treated and filtered water to retail consumers outside the limits of the city, except other municipalities and public agencies authorized by law to own or operate a water supply system and except consumers having an agreement approved by the Council which does not refer to this section to determine rates, shall be the sum of the readiness-to-serve charge and the commodity charge.
      (1)   Readiness-to-serve monthly charge. Readiness-to-serve monthly charges based upon the size of meter shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
      (2)   Commodity charge. Commodity charge based upon the amount of water used per 1,000 gallons shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
   (B)   Out of city wholesale water rates for other municipalities and other wholesale customers.
      (1)   Commodity charges. The net rate charged per month for unmetered fire connections shall be a demand charge, based upon the size of the connection pipe shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
      (2)   Readiness-to-serve monthly charge. Readiness-to-serve monthly charge shall be charged monthly and shall be approved by City Council and available in the Engineering Office.
(Prior Code, § 52.34) (Ord. D-304, passed 4-7-1953, effective 6-21-1953; Ord. D-1726, passed 1-1-1995, effective 1-1-1995; Ord. D-1781, passed 10-14-1996, effective 1-1-1997; Ord. D-1829, passed 9-14-1998, effective 10-1-1998; Ord. O-18, passed 4-19-2004, effective 4-29-2004; Ord. O-36, passed 6-20-2005, effective 6-30-2005; Ord. O-53, passed 10-9-2006, effective 10-19-2006; Ord. O-64, passed 8-27-2007, effective 9-6-2007; Ord. O-80, passed 4-20-2009, effective 4-30-2009; Ord. O-167, passed 8-24-2015, effective 9-3-2015)