§ 118.10 COMPLAINTS.
   (A)   If a written complaint is filed alleging that the owner, operator, or person occupying the marihuana establishment has violated any provisions of this chapter, the City Clerk shall promptly send a copy of the written complaint to the property owner, together with a notice that an investigation will be made as to the truth of the complaint. The property owner shall be invited to respond to the complaint and present evidence and respond to evidence produced by the investigation within 21 days from the date of notice. If the City Clerk, in consultation with other appropriate city staff, after reviewing all relevant material, finds the complaint to be supported by a preponderance of the evidence, the complaint shall be certified, and the City Clerk shall consider revocation of the license as provided herein.
   (B)   Complaints alleging a violation of the Act or other state law, rule or regulation shall be forwarded to LARA by the City Clerk.
(Ord. O-222, passed 9-14-2020, effective 9-24-2020)