(A)   Marihuana establishment licenses will be issued by the City Clerk. In order to be issued a marihuana establishment license an applicant who holds a valid provisional license shall:
      (1)   Submit proof to the City Clerk it has been issued a state operating license;
      (2)   Successfully complete any inspections required by this Code;
      (3)   Submit proof to the City Clerk of obtaining all licenses and approvals required by this Code of Ordinances, including but not limited to an approved site plan; and
      (4)   Submit proof of insurance or financial responsibility as required by the Act.
   (B)   Before issuance of a marihuana establishment license the city shall conduct a final inspection of the proposed marihuana establishment to verify that the establishment is constructed and can be operated in accordance with the application submitted, the approved site plan, the requirements of this Code, and any other applicable law, rule, or regulation. No marihuana establishment license may be issued, and no marihuana establishment may conduct any business or operations, until the inspection is completed, and it is determined that the establishment is constructed and can be operated in accordance with the application and the comprehensive operating plan submitted with the application.
   (C)   A marihuana establishment license issued under this section is a revocable privilege granted by the city and is not a property right. Granting the license does not create or vest any right, title, franchise, or other property interest.
   (D)   Each license is exclusive to the person who is issued the license and that person must apply for and receive approval of the City Clerk pursuant to this chapter before a license is transferred, sold, purchased, or otherwise assigned.
   (E)   The marihuana establishment license and state operating license shall be displayed in a conspicuous public place in the establishment.
   (F)   A licensee has a continuing duty to provide the city with up-to-date information including contact information or material changes to any other information it has submitted with its license application and shall notify the City Clerk in writing of any changes to its mailing address, phone numbers, electronic mail address, or other information the licensee is required to provide to the city within ten days of any such change occurring.
(Ord. O-222, passed 9-14-2020, effective 9-24-2020)