(A)   Effective December 2, 1977, there is hereby granted a one-time increase in the annual pension benefit rate for retirants who retired on or before December 31, 1966, and their beneficiaries and for beneficiaries who first became entitled to pension benefits on or before December 31, 1966, equal to 2% times the number of full years retired to December 2, 1977, or, in the case of a beneficiary, the number of full years since the retirement or death of the member for whose service the beneficiary’s pension is paid, to December 2, 1977. No pension augmented under this section, after applying the increase, shall exceed the sum of $4,500 annually.
   (B)   Effective July 1, 1982, and November 27, 1989, with a corrective adjustment effective July 30, 1990, and effective July 1, 1994, there is hereby granted a one-time increase in the annual pension benefit rate for all retirants and their beneficiaries who fall into the following eligibility categories.
      (1)   The annual pension benefits for retired members with a spouse shall be adjusted so as to provide a minimum of $6,000 per year July 1, 1982, and $9,000 per year November 27, 1989, and $11,153 per year July 1, 1994, provided the member retired with 25 or more credited years of service. This benefit does not change upon the death of the retiree’s spouse.
      (2)   The annual pension benefit for a sole surviving member or spouse shall be adjusted so as to provide a minimum of $3,600 per year July 1, 1982, and $5,250 per year November 27, 1989, and a corrective adjustment of $5,400 effective July 30, 1990, and $6,692 per year July 1, 1994, provided the member retired with 25 or more credited years of service.
      (3)   No adjustment shall be made for any member who is on deferred retirement or non-duty disability status with less than 25 years of service or for any retired member or sole surviving spouse who has not or will not attain age 52 during the year 1981 for the July 1, 1982, adjustment, or age 52 during the year 1989 for the November 27, 1989, adjustment, or age 52 during the year 1993 for the July 1, 1994, adjustment.
      (4)   Benefits for widows receiving duty death benefits shall be adjusted to provide a minimum of $3,600 per year July 1, 1982, and $5,250 per year November 27, 1989, and a corrective adjustment of $5,400 effective July 30, 1990, and $6,692 per year July 1, 1994. No adjustment shall be made to benefits paid to surviving children under the duty death benefits section of the chapter.
      (5)   Any duty disability retiree who has attained age 52 during the year 1981 for the July 1, 1982, adjustment or age 52 during the year 1989 for the November 27, 1989, adjustment or age 52 during the year 1993 for the July 1, 1994, adjustment, the sole surviving spouse of such a retiree, provided said spouse has attained age 52 during the year 1981, for the July 1, 1982, adjustment and attainment of age 52 during the year 1989 for the November 27, 1989, adjustment or age 52 during the year 1993 for the July 1, 1994, adjustment shall receive the pension adjustment set forth in divisions (B)(1) or (B)(2) above regardless of the number of credited years of service with which the member retired; provided, however, the amount of such increase when combined with any worker’s compensation benefits due and payable shall not cause the total annual compensation to be received to exceed the maximum amount provided in this section.
(Prior Code, § 16.33) (Ord. D-678, passed 1-18-1965, effective 2-1-1965; Ord. D-1244, passed 11-14-1977, effective 11-24-1977; Ord. D-1592, passed 6-19-1989, effective 6-29-1989; Ord. D-1737, passed 3-20-1995, effective 3-30-1995)