(A)   A developer may request an amendment to an approved area plan. All amendments shall follow the procedures and conditions herein required for original submittal and review in full.
   (B)   A request for amendment shall be made in writing to the City Council and shall clearly state the reasons therefor. Such reasons may be based upon changing social or economic conditions or potential improvements in layout mutually affecting the interest of the city and developer such as technical causes, site conditions, state or federal projects and installations, and statutory revisions. The City Council upon receipt of such request shall refer said request to the City Planning Commission for hearing and recommendations.
   (C)   The City Planning Commission, after the duly noticed public hearing, shall recommend whether the requested change is to be approved, modified, or denied. The burden shall be on the applicant to show good cause for any requested change.
   (D)   The City Planning Commission shall notify the City Council and any other applicable agency of its recommendation for approval, modification, or denial of such changes. If the amendment is recommended for approval, the revised drawings as approved shall each be signed by the applicant and the owner(s) of record or the legal representative(s) of said owner(s).
   (E)   The City Planning Commission shall then transmit the recommended revised drawings to the City Council for its approval.
   (F)   Following official adoption of the amendment and enactment of the amending ordinance by the City Council, the designated change shall become an amendment to the area plan.
(Prior Code, § 153.429) (Ord. D-1418, § 2105, passed 11-22-1982, effective 1-21-1983)