5.24.110   Denial of license.
   If the city manager determines that the applicant does not qualify under this chapter or other city or state laws for issuance of a license, he or she shall deny the license application. The city manager shall not issue a license unless it appears:
   A.   That all of the statements made in the application are true;
   B.   That no person whose name is required to be contained in the license application and no other manager of the applicant has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or any provision of this chapter;
   C.   That the applicant has not engaged in any fraudulent transactions or enterprises which the city manager deems relevant to the application;
   D.   That the bingo games will not be a fraud on the public;
   E.   That the bingo games will be conducted for charitable purposes and not for private profit;
   F.   That the proposed method or methods of conducting bingo games will not be contrary to the provisions of this chapter;
   G.   That the applicant organization has a membership capable of supplying adequate volunteer personnel to operate and staff the bingo games;
   H.   That the applicant is maintaining an adequate system of record keeping and accounting, which will be available to the city manager or his or her designee for inspection;
   I.   That no license to play bingo on the same premises is held by any other organization;
   J.   That the conduct of bingo games on the premises will be compatible with the existing zoning and land uses in the neighborhood, and that there is adequate off-street parking.
   K.   That the conduct of bingo games on the premises does not violate any provision of Titles 8 and 15 of this code. (Prior code § 18.01.110)