5.24.030   Organizations eligible for license.
   Organizations exempt from the payment of the bank and corporation tax by California Revenue and Taxation Code sections 23701a, 23701b, 23701d, 23701e, 23701f, 23701g, 23701k, 23701w, and 23701l, mobile home park associations, senior citizens organizations, and charitable organizations affiliated with a school district, are eligible to apply for a license to conduct bingo games in the city under the provisions of the California Constitution, California Penal Code section 326.5 and provisions of this chapter; provided that the receipts of such games are used only for charitable purposes; and provided further that no organization is eligible to apply for a license after April 15, 1988 unless the organization has been in existence for three years or longer. (Ord. 2018-0008 § 2; prior code § 18.01.102)