5.18.170   Grounds for denying a shared-rideable business permit or fleet expansion permit.
   The city manager may deny a shared-rideable business permit or fleet expansion permit on the following grounds:
   A.   The application is incomplete.
   B.   The applicant is in violation of any provision of this chapter or administrative procedures adopted by the city manager or, has been in violation of any provision of this chapter or administrative procedures adopted by the city manager under this chapter, within five years of the date the application was submitted.
   C.   The applicant is delinquent on any payment of money to the city, including any fees, fines, penalties, or taxes.
   D.   The applicant has had its shared-rideable business permit revoked within five years of the date the application was submitted.
   E.   The applicant's operation of a shared-rideable business would be a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. (Ord. 2019-0007 § 1; Ord. 2018-0006 § 1)