5.12.060   Investigation.
   Applications for an amusement arcade license shall be investigated by the chief of police. The investigation shall take into consideration of the character of the applicant and any law enforcement problems which the issuance of the license might tend to create. In addition to his investigation the chief of police shall also refer every application to the planning director for a written report concerning the compatibility of the proposed use of the premises with existing zoning and neighborhood land uses. The chief of police may also consider such other sources of information as are available to him or her.
   The chief of police may deny an application for an amusement arcade license if, in his or her opinion, the amusement arcade is to be located in an area of the city or operated under circumstances where it would tend to cause a law enforcement problem or create a public nuisance or where the granting of the license would be contrary to the public interest. In granting a license under this chapter, the chief of police may impose such reasonable terms and conditions upon the operation of the amusement arcade as he or she deems necessary and desirable under the circumstances to protect the health, safety and well-being of the public. Prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter, the applicant shall pay to the city collector any business license fee required by Chapter 3.08 of this code.
   Decisions of the chief of police relating to the granting or denial of an application for an arcade license shall be rendered in writing not later than thirty (30) days after the date of application. Copies of decisions shall be mailed to the applicants not later than five days after the date of decision. (Prior code § 5.07.073)