5.08.050   Review of the application for a letter of public convenience or necessity.
   A.   The chief of police shall review the application for a letter of public convenience or necessity and may request any additional information pertinent to the applicant, the proposed license, or the location.
   B.   Upon receiving an application for a letter of public convenience or necessity, the police department shall provide a copy of the application to the neighborhood services department, the fire department, and the city planning and development department. These departments may provide input, comments and recommendations regarding the proposed license.
   C.   The police department shall provide notice of the application for a letter of public convenience or necessity to owners and residents within one thousand (1,000) feet of the outside boundaries of the property where the proposed license would be located. The notice shall advise the owners and residents that they may provide comments to the chief of police regarding the issuance of the letter. (Prior code § 30.05.120)