5.08.030   Procedure to request a letter of public convenience or necessity.
   A.   Application Requesting a Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity. Whenever an applicant for a liquor license is required to obtain a letter of public convenience or necessity from the local governing body, the applicant shall submit an application to the chief of police requesting the letter. The chief of police shall provide the applicant with an application prepared by the Sacramento police department to obtain information regarding the request.
   B.   Application Format. An applicant requesting a letter of public convenience or necessity shall provide written information to the chief of police as follows:
      1.   Type of license requested;
      2.   Name, home address(es), birth date, Social Security number, and home telephone number(s) of applicant(s), except in the case of a corporate applicant, in which case the name, home address, and Social Security number and home telephone number of all corporate officers shall be supplied;
      3.   Name, address, and telephone number of proposed business;
      4.   Days and hours of operation;
      5.   Number of employees per shift and number of shifts;
      6.   Name and address of any other alcohol-licensed businesses owned/operated by applicant, or in which applicant has had a financial interest, at any time in the past ten (10) years;
      7.   Date(s), location(s), and disposition of any criminal offense, whether infraction, misdemeanor, or felony, for which the applicant has been convicted or pled no contest at any time in the past; and
      8.   A diagram of the premises with precise measurements and sufficient detail to determine the percentage of square footage devoted to the sale of alcohol. The diagram measurements shall be in feet and inches and shall include the shelving unit height and length. (Prior code § 30.05.110)