3.150.050   Parcel tax not to replace general fund contribution.
   The city's current general fund contribution to library services may not be replaced by the parcel tax. If the city general fund contribution to the Sacramento Public Library Authority is reduced below seven million six hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred dollars ($7,635,600.00), the parcel tax shall not be levied; provided, however, that if the reduction to the city general fund contribution is no more than the same proportion of reduction that is imposed on the city's net general fund budget for non-safety departments (which are all operating departments except police and fire) in any year during the twelve (12) year period of the tax, then the tax nonetheless may be levied.
   (The city's net general fund budget for non-safety departments is the total general fund contribution to their operating budgets excluding expenditures that are offset by fees or other non-tax revenues.) Following any reduction from the minimum level of seven million six hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred dollars ($7,635,600.00) and for the parcel tax to be levied in any subsequent year, the library must receive increases in its city general fund contribution proportional to the increases in the non-safety departments' net general fund budgets up to at least the minimum level of seven million six hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred dollars ($7,635,600.00). (Ord. 2014-0004 § 2)