1.04.020   Definitions.
   The following words and phrases, when used in this code and in all ordinances of the city, shall have the following meanings, unless the meaning would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the city council or the context clearly requires otherwise:
   "Agency" means an agency of the city of Sacramento.
   "Board" means a board of the city of Sacramento.
   "Charter" means the Charter of the city of Sacramento.
   "City," "the city," or "this city" means the City of Sacramento.
   "Code," "the code," or "this code" means the code of the City of Sacramento, California, also known as the Sacramento City Code.
   "Commission" means a commission of the city of Sacramento.
   "Council" or "city council" means the city council of the city of Sacramento.
   "County," "the county," or "this county" means the county of Sacramento of this state.
   "Day" means the period of time between any midnight and the midnight following.
   "Daytime" means the period of time between sunrise and sunset.
   "Department" means a department of the city of Sacramento.
   "Employee" means an employee of the city of Sacramento.
   "Following" means next after.
   "Health department" means the health department of the county of Sacramento.
   "Health officer" means the health authority of the county of Sacramento.
   "In the city" means and includes all territory over which the city has, or shall hereafter acquire, jurisdiction for the exercise of its police powers or other regulatory powers.
   "Month" means a calendar month.
   "Nighttime" means the period of time between sunset and sunrise.
   "Oath" includes affirmation.
   "Occupant," applied to a building or land, includes any person holding a written or an oral lease of or who occupies the whole or a part of such building or land, either alone or with others.
   "Officer" means an officer of the city of Sacramento.
   "Owner," applied to a building or land, includes any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, tenant in partnership, joint tenant or tenant by the entirety, of the whole or of a part of such building or land.
   "Person" includes any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation or company.
   "Personal property" includes every species of property except real property, as defined in this section.
   "Preceding" means next before.
   "Process" includes a writ or summons issued in the course of civil or criminal judicial proceedings.
   "Property" includes real and personal property.
   "Real property" includes lands, tenements, and hereditaments.
   "Signature" includes a mark when the signer or subscriber cannot write, such signer's or subscriber's name being written near the mark by a witness who writes his or her own name near the signer's or subscriber's name; but a signature or subscription by mark can be acknowledged or can serve as a signature or subscription to a sworn statement only when two witnesses so sign their own names thereto.
   "State," "the state," or "this state" shall be construed to mean the state of California.
   "Subscription" shall have the same meaning as "signature," as defined above.
   "Tenant," applied to a building or land, shall have the same meaning as "occupant," as defined above.
   "Week" means seven consecutive days.
   "Writing" includes any form of a recorded message capable of comprehension by ordinary visual means. Whenever any notice, report, statement or record is required or authorized by this code, it shall be made in writing in the English language.
   "Year" means a calendar year. (Ord. 2014-0021 § 1; prior code § 1.01.020)