3.128.240   Collection by the county.
   In the event the city council directs that the service fees be collected on behalf of the city by the county auditor, the city clerk shall file with the county auditor a certified copy of the boundary map or diagram and fee schedule, with a request that the fees be posted to the county roll for general property taxes. This filing shall occur on or before August 1st of the fiscal year in which the fees are to be collected. The fees shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as general property taxes and all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of such property taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the fees. After deduction of the collection charges of the county auditor, the net amount of the fees collected shall be remitted to the city to the credit of the fund of the maintenance benefit area and shall be used for the payment of the expenses of said area. (Prior code § 55.05.504)