§ 395   Reciprocity with other governmental retirement systems.
   The city council may, subject to the provisions of section 373 of this article, enact ordinances and enter into agreements concerning reciprocity with the retirement systems of other governmental entities.
   The ordinance may provide for a modification of rights and benefits of a member of the system because of membership in a reciprocal system similar to and under the same conditions as those provided under the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937 and the Public Employees' Retirement Law because of membership in two or more retirement systems established by or pursuant to such laws. The ordinance shall be filed with each board administering a reciprocal system and shall become effective upon the adoption of a resolution of such administering board accepting the city system as a reciprocal system. Such modification shall apply only to a member whose termination and entry into employment occurred after such effective date.
   As a condition precedent to his or her eligibility to receive reciprocal benefits under this section, the ordinance may require a member of the system to relinquish any benefits to which he or she would be entitled under ordinances enacted pursuant to section 378 of this article. The ordinance shall provide that the provisions of section 378 of this article shall not be applicable to any employee of the city who becomes a member of this system after the effective date of any reciprocity agreement entered into pursuant to former (1976) Charter section 367.
   A reciprocal system, for purposes of this section, means a retirement system established under the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937, the Public Employees' Retirement System, a retirement system of a city whose retirement ordinance contains the provisions authorized by this section, or a retirement system of a city or city and county established by its charter and providing for modification of rights and benefits similar to and under the same conditions as those provided for under this section. (Amended June 6, 1989)