3.28.050   Additional tax of one percent after July 1, 1990, one and one-half percent after January 1, 1992, and two percent after January 1, 1994 established.
   On and after July 1, 1990, an additional tax to those taxes imposed by Sections 3.28.030 and 3.28.040 of this chapter is levied in the amount of an additional one percent of the rent charged by the operator. On and after January 1, 1992, an additional tax to those taxes imposed by Sections 3.28.030 and 3.28.040 of this chapter is levied in the amount of an additional one and one-half percent of the rent charged by the operator. On and after July 1, 1994, an additional tax to those taxes imposed by Sections 3.28.030 and 3.28.040 of this chapter is levied in the amount of an additional two percent of the rent charged by the operator. Such additional taxes of one percent after July 1, 1990 and one and one-half percent after January 1, 1992 and two percent after July 1, 1994, shall in all respects be subject to the provisions of this chapter to the extent and in the same manner as the tax levied by Section 3.28.030 of this chapter, except that any other provision of this chapter notwithstanding, the proceeds of the taxes imposed by this section shall be paid to the general fund for the usual and current expenses of the city, including, but not limited to, meeting operating expenses, including wage rates and fringe benefits, purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment or materials, paying debt service and meeting financial reserve needs and requirements. (Prior code § 41.04.023-2)